The Student Room Group

Starting a Long distance relationship

Basically last night met a girl from a different uni, who was visiting her friend at my uni. We chatted alot in the night, kissed in the nightclub, and she came back to stay the night at mine (we didnt have sex). I felt we really hit it off and got on well. What I would like to ask is whether you think I should ask this girl if she would like to meet up again soon, or whether I should leave things as they are. I mean on one hand I dont really have anything to lose, as I doubt I would see her much again. She goes to a uni about an hour and a half away from me.
Reply 1
To be honest it's really up to you. If you wanna do it then do it.
An hour and a half is nothing!!!
Reply 2
Personally I'd keep her number, keep in contact and stuff. See her when shes near you, but forget about her otherwise. I've heard from enough people having long distance relationships (ok, only girls) that they're frustrating and ****. And if it went well with her, why ignore her now.
Reply 3
Personally I'd keep her number, keep in contact and stuff. See her when shes near you, but forget about her otherwise. I've heard from enough people having long distance relationships (ok, only girls) that they're frustrating and ****. And if it went well with her, why ignore her now.

There are enough threads on long distance relationships in here. My opinion is, they work.
Reply 4
Hey, you don't have to quote me. We're the only ones here really. I'm just relaying what I've been told.

I'd guess it depends what type of person you are. These girls were a little promiscuous.
Reply 5
Habit, sorry.