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Grandad died this morning..exam on Monday

Hey, my grandad passed away today after being in a coma for a week. Its hit everyone in my family hard, including me. I'm at uni and have an exam on Monday. I'm usually one who studies constantly until my exam but this week I have just been moping round my room all the time crying. My friends at uni said i should fill out a exenuating circumstances form (which I did last term because of illness) and sit the exam in August instead..but I kinda want to do on Monday. So if you was me, what would you do, suck it up, revise like hell until Monday morning, or don't take it?
Reply 1
Awww I'm so sorry to hear that. If you feel up to it, I'd say do it as it might help take your mind off of things. Personally, if it was me though I wouldn't do it.
Hey, my grandad passed away today after being in a coma for a week. Its hit everyone in my family hard, including me. I'm at uni and have an exam on Monday. I'm usually one who studies constantly until my exam but this week I have just been moping round my room all the time crying. My friends at uni said i should fill out a exenuating circumstances form (which I did last term because of illness) and sit the exam in August instead..but I kinda want to do on Monday. So if you was me, what would you do, suck it up, revise like hell until Monday morning, or don't take it?

Give it a shot really, I don't think you shouldn't give the exam altogether unless you've done absolutely nothing. Sad to hear about your loss.
Reply 3
aww im sorry hunny :frown: thats awful. if u need time to greive then take it, u should feel rushed in having to do ur exam, it can be prosponed.

my friends mum died just before xmas, she took time off uni, there was no problems
Take the exam, but let your tutors know beforehand, so that they know why you got a poor mark (if you do) and will let you resit?
Hey, my grandad passed away today after being in a coma for a week. Its hit everyone in my family hard, including me. I'm at uni and have an exam on Monday. I'm usually one who studies constantly until my exam but this week I have just been moping round my room all the time crying. My friends at uni said i should fill out a exenuating circumstances form (which I did last term because of illness) and sit the exam in August instead..but I kinda want to do on Monday. So if you was me, what would you do, suck it up, revise like hell until Monday morning, or don't take it?

Contact your superviser immediately, inform him/her/they of the circumstances, see in the morning if you are mentally/physically 'up for it/the exam', if not, they will know the reasons for this, and perhaps you can sit the exam at a later time/date, or maybe later on in the day, supervised when on your own in a which if you break down during this isolated-esque mode of exam, you don't have a hall-load of others staring at you and making the issues at hand even more intolerable than they currently are. Anyway, consult your tutor and hopefully there's an alternative to taking this exam on the Monday. Good luck :smile:
aww sorry to hear that. i think that if you want to skip the exam it shouldn't be all that bad - just fill out the form ,maybe you can take it earlier than august even
but honestly, if it were me, i wouldn't be able to do the exam coz that thought would always be in the back of my mind and i will lose concentration
Reply 7
i don't know about at your uni but at mine you should be able to take the exam and fill in an extenuating circumstances form, so that if you do get a worse mark than expected your tutors can take it into account and give you the benefit of the doubt and make sure you get awarded the grade you deserve anyway.

hope that helps.
Reply 8
Thanks for the replies, I'm going to email my tutor now, I doubt he'll read it before Monday but at least he'll know on the day. I think I'll try fill in a form and have it taken into account that this has happened.
Reply 9
Im not sure if this is the same with all unis but at mine if you fill out an extenuating circumstances form when its to do with a death of a relative at the time of an exam you have to give evidence in terms of a death certificate. I wish you all the Best
Oh dear that must be awful for you. :frown: I wish you all the luck in your exam whenever you decide to take it. Personally, I wouldn't take it yet either. Its a shame to waste a whole terms work on an exam when your mind is quite understandably scrambled. I do hope your tutor is understanding and helps you arrange another time to take your exam.
Reply 11
I completely empathise with you. only you can decide what is best for you. as people have suggested, it is best to let your lecturers or whatever know what's going on, as they'll understand. Just before my A level music performance (on flute) last year, i had a chest infection, so i couldnt practise and then my grandpa died. his funeral was the same day as the exam and the exam board and college were really understanding. I did the exam and got special consideration.

my thoughts are with your tho
I understand you sitaution-For my GCSE's, my Nan died in the middle of them and I filled in the circumstance film, basically I had to send off examples of my work. Im sorry to hear of your loss, but they do understand-its not really a fair test of your abilities in those circumstances is it?