The Student Room Group

The S Word Three Times

Step by step is the best way to do this I think.
1)I got drunk last night.
2)Even when I get drunk I can write intelligibly, comprehensibly et cetera.
3)I have recently realised that I might be bi-sexual.
4)So's I get drunk. In one of the pubs I get hit round the head. I have a short temper, and mixed with a some drinks, I got very angry. I didn't hit anyone, don't worry.
5) I decided to go home as the rest of me mates went onto another pub. I did this because I was angry and because I know my alcohol limits, so I knew if I drank much more I'd be sick.
6)I got home and was still pissed off. I was looking to vent my feelings on someone.
7)For some reason I sent a message to a "mate" (I don't like him much anyway) while he was offline, as I had got sick and bloody tired of him making jokes about me being gay. Stupid I know, I should've just delt with it, laughed it off, but for some reason I've always been sensitive to being called gay.
8)Anyway I sent him this intelligible message telling him that I was drunk and some **** about me being bi-sexual. I intended to finish off with telling him that I was sick and bloody tired of the gay jokes, but after sending the first part I suddenly thought "**** :eek: :mad: wtf have I done?" So I didn't finish it off.
9)I spoke to him over MSN this morning hoping the message hadn't been sent. It had. He then proceded to tell me to **** off, understandably.
10)My main worry is that he'll think I made a pass at him (the **** that goes through peoples minds when they made a cock up ay :rolleyes:). I wasn't making a pass I don't find him attractive or even like him.
11)As I don't even like the bloke I don't give a flying **** about salvaging a "friendship" with the arsehole. But I know he can be a git and I reckon he's going to make me look a fool (which I am).
12)Basically my (very truthful) excuse will be that I was drunk, angry and hoped that I could get him to stop with the jokes.
13)I don't know what I hope to gain outta telling you all this. I guess it's to vent my annoyance at myself. I also hope that you'll back up my assertions that no-one else will give a ****. They'll just think "So the **** what, he was drunk, **** happens."

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What exactly are you worried about? It sounds to me like your thoughts are fairly clear in your head..?
Reply 2
Hey I'm sure we've all done comparably dumb things when drunk. I'm sure noone will care even if he does tell them. What's he gonna say? "Hey look at this drunken text message I was sent the other night"? :rolleyes: I'm not even gonna tell you the stupid drunken things I used to text to people (when I drank, mostly 1st year of uni) and at least you remember it happening, which means it isn't going to be sprung on you one day :biggrin:
Reply 3
So what exactly are you concerned about? That everyone will know you're bisexual now, or that this guy thinks you made a pass at him and he'll tell people that?
Reply 4
Yuh huh. I know it's rediculous to get worked up about it but I can't help it. I'm irrationally worried alright? And seriously the best responces are the ones like pinkpinkuk's.
Reply 5
I agree with pinkpinkuk that no one is going to care that much, but if you want to try and play it off somehow, I thought I might try to come up with something you could say dependent on exactly what you didn't want people to know - if you are okay with people knowing you're bisexual, it takes a lot of pressure off the situation because no one is going to care whether you did or didn't make a pass at one guy.

If you're not ready to be open about your sexuality yet, you might feel like coming up with something to say if someone questions you about it.

That's why I asked.
Reply 6
Nah I don't give a **** about people knowing I might be bi-sexual. I'm pretty sure I am, but not totally.
Reply 7
The main worry is that he's sorta in my "group" so he may try to make me feel uncomfortable.
And thanks for the, like, backing up that no one'll give a ****. I just needed to hear it from people in my age group.
Reply 8
The main worry is that he's sorta in my "group" so he may try to make me feel uncomfortable.
And thanks for the, like, backing up that no one'll give a ****. I just needed to hear it from people in my age group.
Reply 9
Huh interesting. I just logged on to MSN and after I'd logged off really hastily this yesterday morning, he'd sent me more. When I'd logged off he'd just finished telling me to **** off. But the last stuff he wrote is telling me the last bit I wrote "Just for the record I'm not gay, but I might be bi." He then proceeded to say "anyway g2g" "Laters"
He don't sound that pissed off to me. I think that's a good thing.
Yup, don't worry. If you're that worried about him thinking you came onto him, just explain the situation and I'm sure he'll be fine and not be an arse about it.
"Just for the record I'm not gay, but I might be bi." He then proceeded to say "anyway g2g" "Laters"
He don't sound that pissed off to me. I think that's a good thing.

Doesn't sound like he was paying much attention. Or bothered at all really. You are probably worrying about nothing.
Nah I don't give a **** about people knowing I might be bi-sexual. I'm pretty sure I am, but not totally.

Okay, simple test:

Do you want to shove your cock up a boy's poop-hole?
Reply 13
Fluent in Lies
Okay, simple test:

Do you want to shove your cock up a boy's poop-hole?
Depends on the bloke and the day. Some days it doesn't appeal to me and some days, well yeah. Also depends whether I have to call it a poop hole or not.
Thank you for completing the survey. Our results show:

You are bisexual.
Fluent in Lies
Thank you for completing the survey. Our results show:

You are bisexual.

i love u Phil :frown:
i love u Phil :frown:

:hugs: I know.

I know.
Reply 17
On the one hand, it would be good just to tell him you don't like him like that, you are bi, and to stop with the gay jokes. On the other hand, he may be a **** about it, and you can make up some *******s and tell him to **** off. Its your choice, would he be the type of person to take advantage of knowing youre bi to make fun of you or not? If he wouldn't, let him know. If he would, prepare for him to tell people anyway, just act like you're not bothered and let it go.
Listen to this you must. Good advice it is.
Listen to this you must. Good advice it is.

yoda is actually an arsenal supporter. i lie when i talk.