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Reply 1
ROund bum i have to say. Gives you something to grab when bored.
Reply 2
Urgh why would any girl want a flat bum? She would like like a man. Although i must admit guys who have like proper round bums scare me, its like ewww you have a bigger ass than me.
with flat bums there is no shape to the trousers at the back, and they hang off.
Don't really care, a lot of Asian women have flat bums and they are fitttt
So long as it's comfortable for them when sitting.
Reply 6
Just a normal mid-sized bum for me, nothing too big or too small
Enough cushin' for the pushin'
Reply 8
I voted round, cause that's like me :p:
Round bum is fine, but fat ass; no thanks.
Reply 10
Toned, ok. Fat, no. Personally hips are more important to me.


don't do that girls!

round is best :P
Reply 12


don't do that girls!

round is best :P

yess :p:
Reply 13
Toned, ok. Fat, no. Personally hips are more important to me.

Are they more important to you than boobs?
Are they more important to you than boobs?

Something tells me you have a vested interest in such a question. Or should that be two vested interests.
Are they more important to you than boobs?

about the same like small to mid for both ideal for me.
Reply 16
Something tells me you have a vested interest in such a question. Or should that be two vested interests.

Heh. That was funny :p:
Reply 17
General Mullet
Don't really care, a lot of Asian women have flat bums and they are fitttt

yayyy someone who understands that asians cant help the flatness :smile:
Reply 18
It depends. Wearing a bikini I'll look at hips more. A top probably boobs more. As nice as a round bum is, its not particuarly high on the list for me.
Why would anyone want a flat bum?

Then again it's beyond me why anyone would want a flat chest, but that other thread certainly showed me it's possible


EDIT: goddamn it I wanted to make my 666th post in a religion thread :mad: