ok, so it's just been my birthday and my 'two best friends' at uni didn't send me a card, a text, any form a birthday greeting! on my birthday was quite upset about it, but i had an exam the next day so just ignored it. the day later we were all going out for my birthday, there were about 30 coming to my house party and then some of us were off out afterwards. the number reduced to about 1o people going out which i thought it would. we get into the club about half 11 and half 12 comes and the two aforementioned best friends were nowhere to be found. one of my other friends said they had left, which indeed they had. i couldn't help it, but i just started to cry in the middle of the club and really really couldn't stop myself. (btw i wasn't drunk either, had had about 3 beers!) i went home and still crying. i woke up in the morning and i couldn't stop crying. one of my friends from home was driving back this day so i asked could i get a lift home with her. i text both of the guys who'd left me explaining that i was upset and had to go home. my other mates have had a go at them for being such crap friends. one of them text me this morning asking if i was ok, but do i text back? the problem is i can't help but still want to be their friends, but don't want myself to be hurt by them again. i'm heading back to uni today and will see them in my house. please, any advice?