The Student Room Group

Swollen ankle

I was playing football on Friday, and I was kicked slightly above the actual ankle joint on the inside of my left leg. Quite soon after it happened, it started to discolour slightly, and then a little bit later it started to swell. It's still swollen now, and while it doesn't hurt at the moment to walk on, it's still really tender to touch.

I've sprained my ankle before, but it was from over-extending it as opposed to it being hit. Is it possible it's still a sprain? Or could it be something else?
Reply 1
It could be a sprain, equally it could be something else. I would think its more to do with the bruising on the skin than anything else causing the pain. As you can walk on it the doctors arent going to do anything, so I would just keep an eye on it. Try using the RICE technique to bring down any swelling thats life, i.e. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, and just give it time.
i've had this sort of thing TOO many times...if you can walk ok there shouldn't be any lasting damage, you should start seeing the swelling go down in a day or so and the bruisng might last a while longer....

if the swelling starts to go down and you feel pain on the ankle, stick a support bandage on it...
Reply 3
Thanks! :smile:
Reply 4
So last thursday I did something to my ankle, I think its a sprain, it was really swollen and unbearable to walk on for the first day but it felt ok after that and I can walk on it fine.

The swelling is still there though 6 days on and every now and then I seem to tweak it and get a sharp pain there. Should I be concerned? :redface:
Reply 5
go to gp

no need to leaving it thinking it will be ok

could be sprained or may be something else may aswell get it checkedo out
i'd be inclined to give it a bit longer, chances are by the time you see the GP there will be little problem.

I've had plenty of sprains that have lasted a while... and they all just take time.
Reply 7
sprains can take longer than fractures to heal - GPs aren't very likely to do anything except give advice, or if you/they are particularly worried may suggest an x-ray
Reply 8
When I got a sprain, the nurse said not to worry for about 6 weeks...and 3 months on it still twinges, and aches. If you only did it relatively recently I certainly wouldnt worry!
Reply 9