The Student Room Group

Just got a Toyota Yaris =]

04 plate
33,500 miles

I love it, although i cant pick it up until Wednesday!

Not actually passed my test yet, im not 17 until February 14th, but im looking into intensive courses.

The whole insurence things horrible, its gonna cost almost as much as the car :eek: well not quite, but you get the picture :p: Id have thought it would have been 'relatively' low (as far as insurence for 17 year old males goes) given its only a 1 litre/998cc engine.

Anyone else got a Yaris? How've you found them?


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Reply 1
I love my Yaris, he's the best car ever - I've never had any problems with him and he's an X-reg, not sure how old that makes him I'm afraid. The only thing is getting used to the light switches etc being the wrong way round :biggrin:
Reply 2
And there is me thinking £700 I am spending on my first car is a stupid amount to spend on a first car :frown:.

As for the insurance your 17, no wonder its so expensive, the fact is most 17 year olds are not mature enough to drive a car and think its funny to take risks in order to show of in front of their mates.
Reply 3
I totally understand the reasons as to why its so expensive.

It was just my pre-conceived idea of 'expensive insurence' and realistic 'expensive insurence' are a bit different :p:
Reply 4
Yeah. nice first car :smile:. Suppose if you have the money, spend it:p:
Yay! We got a Yaris its my favourite car. Its small curvy compact. Wud luv to own one!
Is it a T-Sport by any chance? :biggrin: thats the only one i would consider.

If it was me a would have got something cheaper and older as the insurance would be considerable less.

Good luck to you
Cheers, Mat
Reply 7
Its a T2 :smile:
oh right yea sorry i didnt read it very well.

i'm going to be cheeky now :wink: Don't you think they are abit girly m8? :eek:
Reply 9
oh right yea sorry i didnt read it very well.

i'm going to be cheeky now :wink: Don't you think they are abit girly m8? :eek:

A bit, but the other ones that were the same price were a good bit older, so it made up the difference i suppose
Well TBH i can't really speak because i have a MK1 Clio Phase 3 with the rounded headlights and even though ive lowered it, coloured coded, Induction kit and 16v alloys it still isnt exactly manly lol.
How much was it if you don't mind me asking? I'm looking for a first car too :smile: I passed a month ago.
£3995 with a years road tax and free MOT next month.
Reply 13
not a bad price:smile:
i got a automatic new Yaris with my grandad before uni (he keeps it during term time) and the accelaration on them is awesome and its so nippy around corners and fun driving around, almost like a go kart!..think it maybe a 1.6? that cost 9K from a dealer, slightly more cos it was a auto and 05.

Plus insurance is in his name as main driver so was reallyyy cheap and trick is to find a company who insures a additional driver by name cos then it works out cheap, however the MAJORITY nowadays dont do this (they ask for age etc) and soon as u add urself as a 20 yr old driver they bung up insurance to 1k.
Reply 15
Well TBH i can't really speak because i have a MK1 Clio Phase 3 with the rounded headlights and even though ive lowered it, coloured coded, Induction kit and 16v alloys it still isnt exactly manly lol.

A Yaris or a Clio is nothing on my (male) mate, who just got a Ford Ka, rofl.
Reply 16
04 plate
33,500 miles

I love it, although i cant pick it up until Wednesday!

Not actually passed my test yet, im not 17 until February 14th, but im looking into intensive courses.

The whole insurence things horrible, its gonna cost almost as much as the car :eek: well not quite, but you get the picture :p: Id have thought it would have been 'relatively' low (as far as insurence for 17 year old males goes) given its only a 1 litre/998cc engine.

Anyone else got a Yaris? How've you found them?


i had a thread about car insurance, i still havent got a car, but quinn direct seems to come up the cheapest, search it on google. It will probably be in the region of £1500-1800. Should be less seeing as a 1.4 polo 1999 CL 3door came up for me as £1850.
A Yaris or a Clio is nothing on my (male) mate, who just got a Ford Ka, rofl.

To prove a point, i asked the woman in the ford garage if they sell many Ka's to men.

She told me to stop wastin her time
This is a VERY VERY good way to get cheap insuranc for the first year, listen up.

Im 17, 18 soon, but passed sometime last year, and got a 2005 VW Polo last April, anyway - I got it insured as the primary driver: my dad, secondary driver: me (i was insured as a learner driver).

Although this eliminates the beginning of my no claims bonus collection, it means I only have to pay £460 with Tesco Car Insurance... whats better, is as soon as I passed, tesco said they wouldn't change the price of the insurance (increase it), until the inruance's year was over.

the reason it's so cheap is because they assume your dad will be the main driver, and they also assume he'll be with you whenever you're driving it - you are a 'learner' afterall. But when you pass, you ring them up, tell them, they'll update it on their records but not charge you more - therefore you get very cheap insurance on a nice shiney expensive car.

I had my first accident on wednesday last week - bumped into the back of a royal mail van at the A3 roundabout... but the numberplate suffered the more damage. It was stuck / pinned into his bumper.. besides that the car didnt' have a scratch on it, surprisingly.

Anyway, hope this helps. :smile:. Insure yourself as a learner, even if its 1 month before you take your test / aim to pass and become a full license holder.

Good luck.
note: i also used up like 13 years of my dads no claims bonus that he already aquired. that and the 'learner' thing, and the fact the car is parked in the driveway and only insured to do 6000 miles are also factors in the low price. insuring it as being kept in the garage will also bring down the cost more... just make sure you're being truthful at the same time, otherwise the insurance company wont cover you if the scenarios dont match.