The Student Room Group

relationship Advice ..please :(

Well, ok i met this girl one night and we talked and swapped numbers and all. then i meet her maybe a week later and this time she comes back to my my flat and we talk but she doesnt sleep in my bed.. then repeat again this time she stays in my bed (no sex but kissing) then another time this happens and theres some sex.. ok well before christmas she would text me a lot with quite long texting conversations and we would talk, now just before christmas i didn't see her for a while with work to do and after christmas she doesn't text me.i see her out quite often and when i see her we talk plus shes friends with friends of mine.

some of my friends (girls) say i should speak to her about how she feels.. but i'm thinking that the lack of texting recently means shes not bothered. whats the general opinion of people here? please help i like her! :frown:
Reply 1
bump... sorry
Reply 2
Just find her and talk to her; you will if you like her enough. She's probably dodging you because she doesn't want to talk about it or confront the issue, but you both need to, so make it happen.
Reply 3
You say she's not texting you - are you texting her? She might be doing that thing 'I'm not going to text him till he texts me' kind of thing.

Although I dont like this text politics bull****. Cut the crap and meet up with her to find out what the deal is.
Reply 4
hmm well i'll see her tomorow in a drunken state so i'll see how things go.
but really i dont think shes interested because of the lack of contact.. but friends say i should do something.. but they could just be saying that.
oh well thanks for the advice, keep it coming!
Reply 5
oh and yeah i text her but the reply is usually just one text not a nice mass of talking.
Reply 6
Your friends can see it's a big deal to you, they just want to see you sort yourself out. Fair play to them.