The Student Room Group

UCAS sending your IB results...?

Everywhere I look on UCAS about how to submit my IB scores in July, I just see that UCAS sends IB results to your universities automatically or something like that? Is that then only for people within the UK doing the IB? I'm doing the IB, but in the US. Or does UCAS like somehow acquire your scores through the IBO?

I've tried to get an answer to this question via my school but I think I am about to be maybe the 5th student from my school to go to school in the UK and all the rest except one, as far as I know, have been British and apperantly just asked friends and family. So I'm asking you instead b/c my school has been completely useless about this entire process.
I am very interested as to know how this works too....I'm the ONLY one who applied to UCAS in the whole school!!
Reply 2
As far as I know UCAS get your results from IBO, that is the impression I've got. Maybe someone from UK can clear this up=)? (or someone else educated...)
Reply 3
Im having this exact problem right now!!! I did the Nov 06 session and I got a conditional offer from Oxford. I received my results in early Jan, I got 45 :smile: , but the offer on UCAS still says conditional!! I have no idea what to do. I think I will ring UCAS but I have a feeling they are not going to be very helpful.
I emailed my IB coordinator about this earlier last week, and she reminded me that we were asked to give her our UCAS numbers in September or October last year. She had then registered the numbers with the IBO, so when our results were released they would automatically have been sent to UCAS, and then to our universities.

At the moment, my offers on UCAS still say "conditional", and I doubt they will change until we get confirmation of our offers in August. But don't despair, Oxford will have received your scores (I think).

Congratulations on your Oxford offer, by the way!
check with your IBC, who should be able to instruct you on this...
Reply 6
I really wish she could but we have a new IBC who, frankly, is crap, and who took three weeks to understand that I am allowed to see my predicted scores, especially since I had to apply as an individual. She thought UCAS was a university I was applying to and tried to proceed like I was applying to an American university.

I think I will go see her and see if she coughs up any information or take my UCAS number. If I am testing in May, how soon should I give it to her? Someone said that they gave theirs in September/October, for testing in November, so should I not worry until Spring?
Ouch you're in the US which would explain the lack of understanding of UCAS. Just talk to your IBC now to see if it solves your problem early. IF not at least you'll still have time to work on it..
I think I will go see her and see if she coughs up any information or take my UCAS number. If I am testing in May, how soon should I give it to her? Someone said that they gave theirs in September/October, for testing in November, so should I not worry until Spring?

Just to be on the safe side, you might as well give it to her now, then remind her about it in Spring and see if she's taken the necessary steps to register it with the IBO. :smile:
Reply 9
I just had this exact same issue as I'm also the first from my school to apply to UCAS. I went to my IB Coordinator, he let me watch as he logged onto the IBNet, selected "Requests for Results Service" page of the "Results" section. Then he scrolled down the candidates' names and clicked on mine. Where it says which institutions to send results to (it was already filled with lots of names of USA colleges from last year), he chose "Look up" to add a new institution. It looks like there's just about every university in the world. Among them, alphabetically in the U's, he found UCAS -- it's all written out University and Colleges Admission Service (or whatever UCAS stands for), he clicked that, and then it asked for the registration number, where he entered my UCAS number, pressed Confirm and it was done. This way IBO will automatically and electronically notify UCAS of my IB results, and UCAS will forward them to whichever universities I've chosen as my Firm and Insurance. By the way, this is the same procedure to add any American universities or other universities you might be applying to if you want them to receive your official IB results directly from IBO.
Note: the deadline for making this request is May 1st.
Good luck!