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Reply 1
I don't think she's over him, and it sure doesn't sound like he's over her.

How long have you two been together?
It sounds like she definitely has her priorities mixed up! Get talking to her mister!
Reply 3
Especially if you're having to pay for her to speak to her ex, which is what it sounds like.

You should tell her you can't afford to keep phoning her and if she wants to talk to you she's going to have to use some of that precious money she spends talking to her ex. That means crunch time and you'll see where her priorities lie.
Reply 4
no, i'm not paying for her to talk to her ex, thats her own phone and internet bill.

her priorities reside with her own happiness, which is why she has to keep both in tow.
Do you not see that you are being taken for a fool?

If her priorities reside with her own happiness, it sounds as though those priorities are with her ex so why is she with you? I'd get rid if you're not going to talk to her about it.
if you dont trust her then break up, if you do then stop trying to control who she choses to socialise with.
Reply 7
Leave the greedy cow.
Reply 8
She don't deserve you... and you don't deserve to be put through crap.

Just break up with her, you'll be happier that way!
Reply 9
high priestess fnord
if you dont trust her then break up, if you do then stop trying to control who she choses to socialise with.

Just break up with her dammit!! She's not worth it!! If she "cares about him a lot", I wouldnt doubt the fact that she doesnt care about you at all!! :mad:


Seriously. Its gonna get nowhere if you dont like and respect each other completely. 'Nuff said!
It's difficult to give an informed response to a situation you know little about, so obviously take everyone's opinion or guidance with a pinch of salt.

Sounds like your girlfriend is playing you for a fool though. Does she constantly text her ex-boyfriend when you are around? If yes, surely she should have the respect not to do so if she knows it bothers or upsets you. Not to mention the fact it is just plain rude. If I'm in the company of anyone, I have the respect not to get into a conversation with someone on my mobile phone.

It sounds like you are insecure about the relationship and don't trust her. You either need to have serious and frank talks with her, or break-up. There's no reason for her not to be friends with her ex (I am with mine), but if suspicions are raised already, it's not a good sign is it?
Reply 11
but is it normal to spend all your free txts and calls on your ex and then say you can't phone/tx your bf because you've used them up.
Reply 12
but is it normal to spend all your free txts and calls on your ex and then say you can't phone/tx your bf because you've used them up.

No, not at all. Get rid!
Reply 13
but is it normal to spend all your free txts and calls on your ex and then say you can't phone/tx your bf because you've used them up.

NO! Here's what you do. Send her two emails. First this one:

then this one:

and forget about her.
Reply 14
She is really out of control..she should expect you to have to ring her up if she has watsed her texts on her ex........speak to her..and if she doesn't resolve the issue..then out of the window she goes (not literally)
Reply 15
What kind of men do we have in this day in age?
Reply 16
Dude, she's messing you about and clearly isn't over her ex. Get rid...

...and go round the other lad's house and batter him. OK, maybe not...
Reply 17
Go on danny dumps and dump her!!!
Reply 18
Go on danny dumps and dump her!!!

Reply 19
Dump that dumb bitch! Do it now!