The Student Room Group

How to be more sociable

How does a quiet odd person who people think is weird suddenly become normal, nice and sociable? Ive tried talking more but I don't know what to say, if I ask questions people think im mithering. Also the opposite sex only pay attention to my friend never me, though I admit they are way hotter. There is someone who went to the same school as me who thinks im really weird they have hardly heard me speak a word because I was dead quiet and now they are hanging around with my friends friends, I notice they are quiet and ignore me but try and talk to my friends.

Congrats if you understand this:redface:
Hmm a hard one, I think I've always spoken my mind and been idiotic without caring if someone thought I was weird :p: It might be easier to start with people who share the same interests as you. :smile:
Reply 2
Hmm a hard one, I think I've always spoken my mind and been idiotic without caring if someone thought I was weird :p: It might be easier to start with people who share the same interests as you. :smile:

We do share the same interests as in sports and the gym but its just im a sporty loser and they are sporty popular lol. I just sit there on my own type of thing and if I speak to someone they answer and turn away.
I think you've built up this image over time and now feel no-one is listening or whatever. Just start talking to others with the same interests if you feel you can't talk to these people. There must be other people at school/college/whatever to talk to! There are nice people out there I swear! , who'll listen to anyone !
Reply 4
How do you mean you're weird/odd? Being quiet/not talking much is just being shy, I wouldn't call that strange. Infact a lot of guys like shy/quiet girls makes them feel more in control and like a man, as opposed to a girl who is loud-mouthed and is always wearing the trousers.

Although one thing I have noticed about some girls/guys who could be called 'loners' and don't have many friends etc is poor personal hygiene. They absolutely stink!! Even if I wanted to hear what they had to say I wouldn't go near them because apparently wearing deodorant is conforming??? Im sure you aren't one of these but make sure your personal hygiene is tip-top, wear deodorant, make-up, perfume etc so you look/smell good, I love girls who smell good, makes you instantly more attracted to them.

As for the spots, I would recommend seeing your doctor, they can perscribe some good anti-acne treatments such as creams and in worst cases even pills which cure 99% of acne.

Im guessing you're at uni/college? If you play sports then thats great! They're bound to have nights out which is a great chance to mingle, specially after a few drinks when even the shyest person doesn't seem to be able to shut up, very easy way to make friends :wink: