The Student Room Group

Starting to get out of control

Lately I have been having a lot of anxiety attacks. My school days are coming to a full stop (June = Final Exams) and I'm off to University. However, for some reason, due to work I'm guessing, I have not been able to sleep and get anxious over anything. People who make a comment or call me names normally didn't bother me (I'm at school....that name calling stuff still happens) but now it stays with me.

I keep thinking about work and then these people calling me names and then my exams in May and I'm getting extremely stressed out that in the end I sleep 2-3 hours a night, feeling horrible in the mornings.

Can anyone suggest anything? I don't want to be a whiner, but for some reason I've hit my limit...and I can't get over it for some reason....or I haven't found out HOW to get over it.

Any help would be great. Thanks.
Reply 1
First off try chatting to your parents/friends? Always helps to talk about it, and maybe they can recommend something to you? Sounds like you're just getting stressed because of all the pressure of exams/uni etc, could even see a doctor they might be able to perscribe some anti-anxiety drugs or maybe even sleeping pills because having such little sleep is gonna make things far far worse
Reply 2
I'm worried about anxiety after sixth form and at uni. I get stressed really easily and I've been worrying about work and exams lately. I'm thinking about going to see my doctor and to try and find some relaxation techniques.

At the moment I tend to just write things down, talk and take anti histamines which work fairly frequently but not always.
Reply 3
How do you know you're off to uni if you havent done your final exams yet?
Reply 4
Also if you have trouble sleeping I use Xanax, its easier to judge than valium and has less of the after effects. I dont really like medicating myself to sleep but if you need to chill out it works really well
Reply 5
Try Valerian Plus, seriously. You can get it from most Health Food Stores. Drink it before you go to bed.
hmmm, i've been like that in the past. someone recommended that i start doing yoga. and seriously, it really chilled me out as well as making my body feel better. after an hour i can quite easily fall asleep and feel so calm about anything that was making me anxious. it clears you mind so that you can give fresh thought to things.
Reply 7
Also if you have trouble sleeping I use Xanax, its easier to judge than valium and has less of the after effects. I dont really like medicating myself to sleep but if you need to chill out it works really well

Isn't that horrifically addictive? I'm sure they don't prescribe it for long term use.
Reply 8
Thanks for the help guys, but not a big fan of medication. The yoga thing sounds nice, except there aren't any lessons in my area......maybe have to do it on my own or with a friend, though I don't have the discipline/time to keep at it I think.

Also, to the guy who said how I know I'm off to uni? Just because of predicted scores, anything can happen, but still, I'm doing fine in terms of grades generally speaking.