The Student Room Group

Sainsbury's part time job refusing to give holidays

I have a part time job at Sainsbury's, I had 19 hours left to book and they gave out one reminder in October then told everyone they were not allowed to book any more holidays the following week. I have only just got round to booking these 19 hours due to concentrating on uni work. My manager authorised it and didn't have a problem with it as I don't really work in the store.

Got a letter on behalf of the personnel manager today but signed by a woman who deals with holidays that I am not enititled to these 19 hours as its past the deadline and if there is any problems to contact them. I have finished uni now and am thinking why should I stick this rubbish out and lose my holidays and not be paid for them.

My careers advisors have said to leave there soon as possible as it will look bad on my c.v. and mycareer prospects could be minimised.

Can they do this by refusing holiday entitlement?
Reply 1
It seems you are being screwed over about this. As a fellow supermarket employee, I can sympathise about your situation. Try your hardest to get these holidays, but if they dont give them to you (and you arent bothered) work until you find another job and give them the least notice possible (probably 1 week). They dont deserve you.
Reply 2
I'd speak to your union rep about your rights when it comes to this. You are entitled to these holidays and to be honest they probably should have assigned them to you even if you had not booked them in, i'd speak to the personel manager via letter and keep a copy as proof. Even if you cannot take time off for the hoildays i would expect you could be paid for the 19 hours.
Reply 3
Spoke to the woman who sent the letter in personnel (who is very rude and doesn't want to know) as the personnel manager wasn't in. Now I am going to the union rep.
Reply 4
Before you go to the Union, try speaking to the Store manager. HR can often be bogged down because they have specific HR targets to meet i.e. a certain percentage of holiday allocated in each part of the year, whereas he/she is likely to be more objective.