The Student Room Group

Am i being overkeen or is he just a typical guy?


Bascially, I've been seeing a guy now for a week or two, but every time we meet up its me who has to organise it. He v rarely instigates meeting up, although if i suggest something and then say lets not, he's v insistent that we still meet up and everytime i suggest meeting he's v receptive about it. So, am i being overly keen having to always organise things, or he just being a typical guy, or even is he being a little bit shy?

Thanks Xx
Reply 1
It sounds like you're doing all the legwork so he doesn't have to. If you want him to do some for a change, back off a bit :smile:
Reply 2
he sounds like me and every other none desperate man. just stick at it
Reply 3
Could just be nervous. If he just wants you to be happy, or most likely just for you to like him and you haven't been going out that long then he'll could not know where to even suggest so has taken it easy and just let you take control. Which brings up the point he could just be, as you said, a shy guy and prefer being controlled into of controlling.

Good luck though :smile:
Reply 4
He rarely instigates it because he knows you will!

And because he is reliant on you to do it, it probably hasn't even occurred to him yet that he could organise something.

If you stop organising dates, he'll either get confused why you've stopped, or if he's clever then he might organise one.

Make it a playful joke that he's got to ask you now. He'll get the message in a light-hearted way.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the whole thing because he seems happy to see you.

Reply 5
sounds like a typical guy like me, too lazy to set up a meeting but when its made does wnat to somehow stop feeling guilty for not making the meeting and will then insist on meeting up. welcome to a guys world where every womans first priority is a 2nd....sorry thats just the way it is.

Bascially, I've been seeing a guy now for a week or two, but every time we meet up its me who has to organise it. He v rarely instigates meeting up, although if i suggest something and then say lets not, he's v insistent that we still meet up and everytime i suggest meeting he's v receptive about it. So, am i being overly keen having to always organise things, or he just being a typical guy, or even is he being a little bit shy?

Thanks Xx

Sorry, I reread what you posted and yeah, he's just being a bastard. :P