when you know/suspect that they fancy you? I know that sounds silly. And without trying to sound too cocky I don't want to be the type who flaunts myself in front of them, if you get what I mean. Obviously I don't like them back in that way or I would have done something about it by now. But is it wrong to keep a good friendship, and if I had a relationship with someone else in the future, to talk to them about it? Because I feel close enough to them to talk about personal things such as that. He's so sweet, just not my type.
Also there is somebody else. There's something there, but at the same time, there isn't. I feel that sometimes he feels we are getting too close, and so he coldly pushes me away, then seems upset/even colder when I try to give him some 'distance' or 'breathing' space. He kind of decided near the beginning of our strange friendship that nothing could happen with us, even though he wanted it too, I guess we both have our reasons, and we are both holding back a bit. Me because I am just shy and don't admit my feelings when I should, and him because he's been hurt in the past, but I suspect too that he goes on and off me at times, and likes me when it suits him.
And before people give me the 'talk to them' advice, that's not the answer I'm seeking. Is there any non-talkative way to solve my problems?