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I have about 2 fit teachers, the rest are just old and ugly. :frown:
Reply 2
There was this student teacher at our school last year and he helped us with our economics. He was pretty darn hot.
Reply 3
two fit psychology teachers in my school, and i cant think of any other, but there was a fit science teacher when i was in year 9, nice 'n' curvy, but she had a lisp which was anoying.
I don't think it's illegal because you're both over 18 and consenting adults, but the teacher would almost certainly lose their job if they were found out. It's similar to doctors and patients, I think; it's still against the rules and counts as serious professional misconduct. But anyway, you were just asking :p: To answer the question, there was a drama teacher who taught me in Year 9 who was fit (pretty much every girl in the school fancied him) and our GCSE French assistant wasn't bad either. One of the girls in my year had a crush on our A-level sociology teacher, but I don't tend to think of teachers in that way, it's just too weird!
Reply 5
this thread is totally weird! your not suppose to openly admit to liking a teacher...
Theres a rumour in my 6th form that our history teacher married one of his ex students...
this thread is totally weird! your not suppose to openly admit to liking a teacher...
Theres a rumour in my 6th form that our history teacher married one of his ex students...

lol thats weird...same rumour in my 6th form, history teacher married ex 6th former...could we begoing to the same 1:s-smilie:

anywho...the geography guy is cutte in my 6th form

well its what a girl'd school does to you:rolleyes:
Reply 7
We have a really good looking english teacher and two history and geography sluts.... there was quite a funny incident a few years back.
Reply 8
I saw a teacher (young) and an ex-sixth former (like 3 years ago) holding hands in Tesco the other week! :s-smilie:
I think my college has one teacher aged below 30 (out of a couple of hundred staff). And he's male :p:
Reply 10
We have one universally acknowledged 'hot' English teacher: young, puppy-dog eyes, seems sensitive and thoughtful, quite tall and slim, nice smile...yeah, he's hot. :biggrin:

We have another one whom a select band of girls (mainly my friends :rolleyes:) find attractive - he's confident, funny, entertaining...I can almost see the attraction.

Then there's my personal favourite: the head of Science. :love: Very intelligent, plays piano amaaazingly, nice eyes, sweet, kind, funny; I like him. :p: (and I'm the only one, haha.)

There's also the creepy one who it's rumoured got a 6th year girl pregnant (and has had several other affairs with various girls). He's kinda short and freaky. :s-smilie:

Other than that, there's just a lot of balding middle-aged men.
yeah i have a crush on an english teacher.....and the worse thing is...he knows...!!! how embarasing.

he got lovely blue eyes, hes toned and muscley cos he used to be in the army and is currently a fireman as well as a teacher right now. i think hes sooo nice.

and im in 6th form. im rather immature i have to say lol....but you cant help who you find attractive..
Reply 12
Yeah there are a few good looking ones...

The art teacher is supposedly hot (I get along with him really well but I just don't think of him in that way) and lots of year 7s like the new PE teacher.

Don't you think that it's PE/Art/DT etc. teachers that tend to be more popular? The creative/doss subjects?

(I'm not saying that 'creative' and 'doss' are synonymous, by the way...)
I quite liked my chemistry teacher who left last year, I was gutted that he wouldn't be teaching me A level, he wasn't so much typically gorgeous but he was so whitty and had this sexy geeky thing going on man I love that *sighs* he was like 40 though but still. :biggrin:

My geography techer is quite nice to, he is really quite hot for his age (again like 45 and grey) but he is such a nice guy.

I sound like a weirdo who's after 40yr old married men

*runs out the house to hunt down their wives* :biggrin:
two fit psychology teachers in my school, and i cant think of any other, but there was a fit science teacher when i was in year 9, nice 'n' curvy, but she had a lisp which was anoying.

Ms Servante...whos the other one Ajay?

Dont ask who I am lol. Your never finding out!
Reply 15
we had this german helper guy a few years ago who was actually so damn hot, we all loved going to him :biggrin:
Reply 16
Ms Servante...whos the other one Ajay?

Dont ask who I am lol. Your never finding out!

hahahha yeah that teacher is right, so know i know your a boy in my school it will be nice to know who, and you do Economics, Politics, Maths (statistics) and history at AS level. Ill find out :biggrin: Well who do you think the other teacher is, she is fit but has put on a bit of weight, and the teacher from when i was in year 9 was miss bradley. So are you one of the internal students from school, or an external? Btw Martin is on here to somewhere!
I never fancied any of my teachers. Some of my friends did though
hahahha yeah that teacher is right, so know i know your a boy in my school it will be nice to know who, and you do Economics, Politics, Maths (statistics) and history at AS level. Ill find out :biggrin: Well who do you think the other teacher is, she is fit but has put on a bit of weight, and the teacher from when i was in year 9 was miss bradley. So are you one of the internal students from school, or an external? Btw Martin is on here to somewhere!

lol im gonna stop posting on here now coz of u bro. :wink: Have to admit I was proper shocked when I saw your face in the gallery though. I aint giving you any clues as to who I am though. I think you've probably seen me around but you dont know my name.

Ms Tennant and Ms Smith are the other sociology teachers...I dont think either of them are fit tbh.
Reply 19
lol im gonna stop posting on here now coz of u bro. :wink: Have to admit I was proper shocked when I saw your face in the gallery though. I aint giving you any clues as to who I am though. I think you've probably seen me around but you dont know my name.

Ms Tennant and Ms Smith are the other sociology teachers...I dont think either of them are fit tbh.

no its not them too! and mrs smith, i swear she is in her 40s, whats wrong with you! ?Nah you can post on here i dont care lol