The Student Room Group

German Phrases/Juicy Sentences

Just a thread where I was hoping anyone could share some nice juicy German phrases and sentences for common topic such as free time, the environment, health et- that will make the examiners droll.

Just looking for sentences/ essay phrases to improve my German

Like in the Lost Translation thread I asked the translation 'I have recharged my batteries' - Ich habe Energie getankt.



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Reply 1
Well, I don't know your examiners, but if you tell me what sort of sentences would be likely to make them drool, I'll translate them for you.:wink:
Reply 2
Well, I mean anything that could useful for essay writing...
Es ist nicht zu leugnen dass-It cannot be denied that
Vor allem - above all
Einerseits ... andererseits- on one hand on the other hand....
Nach eingehender Uberlegung bin ich zum SchluB gekommen dass- After thourough consideration I have come to the conclusion that...

Theres a few I like :biggrin:
Reply 4
Nach eingehender Überlegung bin ich zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass- After thourough consideration I have come to the conclusion that...

*beats generalebriety to it*:biggrin:

Oddly enough, that's also one of the few cases in which you can't substitute "zum" for "zu dem" - don't ask me why. By the way, if you want to sound really pompous, you can change the "gekommen" to "gelangt".:smile:

Along those lines:
im Großen und Ganzen [I think that's how you spell it now] - on the whole
es war nicht klar ersichtlich ob... - it wasn't entirely clear whether
in jeglicher Hinsicht - in every respect
Reply 5
By the way, would it impress your examiners if you knew how to write a ß correctly? I could try to give you a step by step instruction later, but I'm in a bit of a rush at the moment, I'm afraid...

Edit: OK, here you go, a step by step guide on how to draw the perfect ß.:smile: It was a bit hard to do in Paint, so here's a description of the individual steps:

1. Draw a line upwards as you would for a lowercase L, but stop at the point where the L would begin to curve (sort of three quarters of the way up, if that makes any sense).
2. From the top of that line, draw a line downwards that is slightly steeper than the first one, in an angle that's sort of like the one you'd use for the downward stroke of a lowercase G. The resulting line should be something like two thirds longer than the first one (this isn't vital, but it'll look a bit odd if this line is too long).
3. Retrace the second line until the height of where the first line begins and continue parallel to the first line. Continue a bit past the first line (not too much, though).
4. Draw the first loopy bit - this one may be slightly smaller than the second one. It shouldn't quite be touching the third line you drew.
5. Draw the second loopy bit - this one may curve out a bit further than the first one. Make sure the bottom line isn't too straight.

Note: those instructions are for joined writing. If you're using block letters, you basically just draw the third line (which will now be vertical) from top to bottom and then add the loopy bits. Easy.
Reply 6
I find this usefull for essays= everyway of saying because, sincce, that is why I can thin of! Please add!

Deshalb, darum, deswegen- verb=verb straight after- that is why, thus.
Weil.... obvious
Da, verb end, since
Denn, as verb second
wegen.... obvious

there were more, but alas i have forgotten....
Reply 7
there were more, but alas i have forgotten....

You mean like
aufgrund von...
Reply 8
Thanks for the help so far,

I mean statistics could also be useful on topics such as the environment. Or agains simply useful phrases for the Environment in Deutschland...
Reply 9
Es ist nicht zu leugnen dass-It cannot be denied that
Vor allem - above all
Einerseits ... andererseits- on one hand on the other hand....
Nach eingehender Uberlegung bin ich zum SchluB gekommen dass- After thourough consideration I have come to the conclusion that...

Theres a few I like :biggrin:

Thank you! I'm working on coursework at the moment and I've used a few of those. The last one will come in very useful for my conclusion!
Reply 10
Ich bin davon uberzeugt, dass... - I am convinced, that
Es gerat manchmal in Vergessenheit, dass... - it is sometimes forgotten, that
Es ist oft behauptet/berichtet/gesagt worden - It ihas often been claimed/reported/said
Niemand kann leugnen, dass... - nobody can deny, that
Reply 11
*beats generalebriety to it*:biggrin:

Oddly enough, that's also one of the few cases in which you can't substitute "zum" for "zu dem" - don't ask me why. By the way, if you want to sound really pompous, you can change the "gekommen" to "gelangt".:smile:

Along those lines:
im Großen und Ganzen [I think that's how you spell it now] - on the whole
es war nicht klar ersichtlich ob... - it wasn't entirely clear whether
in jeglicher Hinsicht - in every respect

Does gelangen still take sein or is it haben?
Nice resurrection :biggrin:

Die Kehrseite der Medaille = the other side of the coin :biggrin:
Reply 13
El Mariachi
Does gelangen still take sein or is it haben?

"Sein". "Gelangt haben" is a form of "langen", not "gelangen".
Teehee, I totally got that 'gelangt' phrase in my 6c essay today. Thanks, guys! :biggrin:
Reply 15
I've got my German exam coming up in a few weeks. Any others anybody can add to do with essay writing?

Also, can someone use the ^^gelangen in a sentence, im not sure how to use it.
Reply 16
I've got my German exam coming up in a few weeks. Any others anybody can add to do with essay writing?

Also, can someone use the ^^gelangen in a sentence, im not sure how to use it.

You either use it for physically getting somewhere ("Im späten 15. Jahrhundert gelangten die Hunnen nach Malta]"), or, more commonly, as part of the fixed phrase "zu der Überzeugung / dem Schluss gelangen": "Nach reiflicher Überlegung gelangte sie zu dem Schluss, dass sie doch lieber Mathematik studieren wollte". It basically means to make up your mind or arrive at a conclusion following a long thought process (or at least some thorough weighing of options, pros and cons, implications etc.).
Reply 17
Ich moechte feststellen, ob ....
Ich bin fest ueberzeugt, dass...
Es fuhrt dazu, dass ..

(I don't know how to do umlauts, sorry :-))
Es ist leicht zu ersehen, dass...
Das Auffallende dabei ist...
Dazu kommt noch...
In the middle of most bilingual dictionaries you should find a section with loads of useful phrases :smile:
you could try :

-entweder...oder (either or)
-um...zu (in order to)
-Ich habe mich entschlossen....zu (I decided to....)
- A superlative and comparative
- some phrases that need cases like the Dative/Genitive are also good :smile: