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Reply 1
I dunno but people at University of Southampton TEND to take the piss a LITTLE bit.
Reply 2
its ranked 107th and out 109 unis. that speaks for itself. theres a lot of rivalry between the uni and solent which only became a uni itself this yr- it used bu an "institute". again speaks for itself. im sure its good for some subjects, and that not every student there is an tracksuit wearing idiot, but thats the impression we seem to have got of it. so i suggest u look into solent's reputation on ur department, cos overall its reputation is quite frankly, pants.
Reply 3
120 unis in britain.

but its not a very good uni really. people say repuatation doesnt matter but its the first thing employers see, and it does matter to them, cause if a uni has a bad one itll put them off of you, and solent's rep isnt exactly brilliant.
Reply 4
My boyfriend goes there, and although it may not have the best reputation, it seems alright. The accommodation is good; right in the city centre. Oh and its not THAT far down the league tables (its not 2nd from bottom).
Reply 5
I've got 3 mates who go there and they all think it's good. Their housing nice and their course seems ok, however it's all on what you are looking for in a uni. If you want a something good after this you might not want to go there because people think it's a piss up uni.
Reply 6
A lot of us still refer to it as The Dimstitute... but if you don't mind rivalry and junk like that and the course is right for you, I guess it shouldn't matter.
Well it's ranking is crap and you'll have to put up with the rivalry of living in the worst uni in a small city.

Saying southampton uni people take the piss a little bit is a very, very large understatement. Last time i checked about 10% of the southampton uni population were on the 'Southampton Solent isn't a real university' facebook society.

But then again what other students think of your uni should mean feck all to you, what employers think of your uni is another thing entirely and unless you're doing something maritime related the Solent university's reputation is rubbish. Until recently it wasn't even a university. On the side of their building they have a large poster advertising their lecture theatre! (wow, like, hardly any unis have those!)

If you get a conditional offer from somewhere better, take it.
Reply 8
Depends what course it is that you want to do. SOme of their vocational courses are very specialised (maritime ones i think?) But if it was something quite generic then there might be places higher up in the league tables (if that is what appeals to you) that would suit you more.

And their song about us is "I'd rather be a thicko than a ****". :rolleyes:
Reply 9
"And their song about us is "I'd rather be a thicko than a ****".

Cheers guys, just that one quote made my mind up about the offer lol
i've just had an unconditional offer come through from cardiff so looks like i may be off to taff land.

Reply 10
it's actually "I'd rather be a solent then a ****!" but thats neither here or there.

Arrocding to the head of an employment agency my dad works for said Solent is one of the better universities to go to if you are doing some sort of Media Course. But if it's any other course, you should probably look to go somewhere else
it's actually "I'd rather be a solent then a ****!" but thats neither here or there.

Haha, me and my friends got that yelled at us coming out of Bar Risa in Fresher's week. There were about 30 Sotoners and 6 Solents who were led by a rather troublesome rep :biggrin: We all quite truthfully replied 'I'd rather be a **** than a solent' :biggrin: They asked what courses we were on and most of my group of friends are doing some form of science which they found highly amusing and proceeded to accuse us of being posh. We replied, 'do you actually have a science department?' ...Stony silence...:biggrin:

Having said that, they're not all bad, I met a very nice girl from Solent on the train a while back :smile:

My boyfriend goes there, and although it may not have the best reputation, it seems alright. The accommodation is good; right in the city centre. Oh and its not THAT far down the league tables (its not 2nd from bottom).

It's also right in the red light district :s-smilie: I know a girl who was in halls there and had a hooker come banging her door down accusing her of stealing her turf!
It's also right in the red light district :s-smilie: I know a girl who was in halls there and had a hooker come banging her door down accusing her of stealing her turf!

Its in the red light district?! Oh my, I go stay there every weekend!! How scary!
Reply 13
Having said that, they're not all bad, I met a very nice girl from Solent on the train a while back :smile:

Yeah, I've met lots of nice Solent kids at Lennons. Some of them seem really hostile, though.
Reply 14
One of my best friends got an unconditional offer (based on her portfolio) to study Fashion Promotion at Solent and apparently it's quite good for those types of subjects?! I'm probably going to accept Southampton as my firm so we can go shopping together :biggrin: if we can afford it lol
Reply 15
Oh and another one of my friends studies Law there and he really enjoys it :smile: but yes it is ranked really low, i'd say make your decision based on the course/employment prospects and the actual university rather than what people think of it.
Reply 16
again, your emplyment prospects are usualy based on what peoples opinions of the uni are, which for solent arent very good. as for the fashion promotion thing, im not being harsh, but thats because its one of the few unis that do it.
Reply 17
it doesnt help that they dont really do any "proper" sujects. its similar to how people who go to 6th form for uni see people who go to tech college.
Reply 18
Well, As mentioned there reputation isnt the best, But it does have to be considered that they have not been an official uni for long and so they will more than Likely improve in ranking when they have been established and settled down.
There very good for some areas, as mentioned media and also apparently they have a very good buisness department. Also very good at sailing I beleive.
Obviously there is rivalry between the two unis, I mean there always would be - They think we are.. well that word sarky said (Its a facebook group), and apparently we think there at the 'dimstitute' (so is that one..) so to be honest its down to wether you like it. I have 2 friends there who really like it.
Reply 19
I went to Southampton today to go to an open day at Southampton University, and we passed Solent several times and i have to say i think it has a VERY good location! Jealous! :p: like a five minute walk to West Quay!!