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Sweetners and your teeth.... and health?

I was wondering does drinking a lot of tea and coffee with artificial sweeteners bad in any way for your teeth? My dad is did biology at university and told me it shouldn't because the 'bacteria woun't crap on my teeh' ??????????????????

I presently estimate that I consume 9 spoons of sugar from hot drinks alone, and I can feel that it is damaging my teeth (dentist told me). But I really don't know if it really helps my teeth anymore because its just as sweet and it will cost me extra money..... and is it bad for your health because its got loads of artificual stuff?
Reply 1
I think phenylala-whatsit was shown to cause cancer in rats when they consumed ridiculously large quantities every day, but the amounts they ate were so large that you'd have to be eating huge blocks of the stuff every minute to even risk it.

My dad's a dentist, so I've grown up on sweetener. It's not bad for your teeth---that's the whole point.

I have a huge sweet tooth, and milk + unsweetened cocoa powder + sweetener = the reason I don't have a thousand cavities.
Sweetners do not cause cancer, nor do they cause gastric ulcers, or brain damage, or infertility, or blindness.
Reply 3
Apparently sweetners are bad for you tho. Can cause headaches etc.

You should read some info about them.

I use to have sweetners in my tea but stopped and its really nice :proud:

I have read lots of info about them, including several scientific papers.
Stay away from Aspartame. Other than that I see them as better than sugar.
There's nothing wrong with aspartame unless you're a PKU sufferer!