The Student Room Group

Don't know what type I like

I'm trying to figure out what sort of girls I like/go for. I enjoy drinking and going out clubbin' and meet outgoing, lively girls which are nice. But I like to think I'm a Christian, I go to church and Bible study sessions with Christian Union members. (I know this is a bit of a contradiction). There are nice girls in my CU, but everyone is really withdrawn and its quite awkward talking to people. its a strange situation, any helpful ideas?
There are cheerful, outgoing and moraly rigorous girls out there. Don't go to Bible gro'up to find them though.

And just because someone goes clubbing and is lively doesn't mean that they are unsuitable for someone who considers themself religious. I know lots of "good Xians" who like to party and have a great time. They just don't get trashed and have unprotected sex.