The Student Room Group

How to get a copy of the National Curriculum, NNS and the NLS??

Hi, i was wondering if anyone had any idea how i could get a copy of these publications?

I am doing volutary work at a primary school for 3 days a week until the end of the year and it would be useful to have my own copies. I was borrowing my friends for a while who is a student teacher, but she needs them back for planning.

I'm think someone once mentioned that i could get a free copy if i emailed the dfes, but i cant remember for sure.

I would appreciate any help. Thank You.

Laaibah xx
National Curriculum:
Reply 2
the numeracy and literature strategy are free to download - also, if you go to the right websites they send you the hardcopies for free - infact there are loooooooooooads of freebies from the dfes website - i have far too many folders etc from them i ended up binning some because i had no room. the national curriculum used to be free for teachers, but one year they sent nobody any copies at all, so i dont know if its free anymore or not. the dfes is the place to start, and google of course. i dont know the websites of the top of my head, but you just set up an account with them and they send you shed loads of free stuff - just click and they post it free of charge.
Reply 3
Most of the stuff is now free to download in order to keep paper waste and posting costs to a minimum!
Reply 4
i dont think owning a hardcopy of the curriculum you will be using for your entire teaching career is exactly a waste of paper. i used to plan lessons in the staff room, after school in the classroom and sometimes downstairs in the kitchen whilst drinking beer and eating pizza with no computer in sight. and in terms of costs, i dont think the government would reduce our tax if less trainees ordered hardcopies of the curriculum - we would simply end up using more electricity with our computers turned on and this increasing our bills.
Reply 5
corset love is without doubt the best kind of love. meow!
A hard copy of the National Curriculum costs £20 to buy, as a girl on my course bought one last week...
Reply 7
oh christ are they charging for them now???? i know they were thinking about it - they stopped giving to students but then started up again. £20 is amazing!!! christ, i think i have 3 hanging around!!!
The Boosh
oh christ are they charging for them now???? i know they were thinking about it - they stopped giving to students but then started up again. £20 is amazing!!! christ, i think i have 3 hanging around!!!

We have to borrow a copy of the National Curriculum for our whole course, as the Uni can't afford to give us our own copies... £20 is ridiculous, as it's something teachers actually need...
Reply 9
I'm sure that on the TES Staffroom people still say that it is free for students who are on a course. I mean, you are doing this degree to serve your community... so why can't they give you a copy of the NC for free?
I'm sure that on the TES Staffroom people still say that it is free for students who are on a course. I mean, you are doing this degree to serve your community... so why can't they give you a copy of the NC for free?

It's because the uni can't afford to supply every student with their own copy, so we have to borrow a copy for 4 years.
but most people get it directly from the dfes or something. not their uni.
but most people get it directly from the dfes or something. not their uni.

I don't know about that. But all I know is that the people on the course I'm doing are unable to have their own copy of the National Curriculum because the uni can't afford to give us our own copy.