The Student Room Group

Should it be awkward?

Hi :smile:

I like this guy in my year at college (Yr 13) - we're in the same group of friends but haven't ever really hung out together by ourselves. I really like him because he's funny, smart and quite cute :smile: However whenever we have been alone, even if just for a few minutes at lunchtime or whatever, it's awkward, and neither of us have anything to say really. Is there any potential there if we don't really talk? I really like him because he makes me laugh...but something tells me that it shouldn't be awkward, that we shouldn't have to force the conversation (if any) along. Any advice? J x
Reply 1
things to talk about:


I can't think of anything either. Sorry.
Reply 2
I'll help you but only if you admit that feminism is penis envy.
Reply 3
No way - can't imagine having an external reproductive organ, I'd ruin the line of my skirt.
Reply 4
To be honest he probably likes you. I always find it much easier to talk comfortably to girls I'm not attracted to, cos I care less about what impression I make. If he does like you, then chances are when conversation gets going it will be fine, you just need somewhere to start...
Reply 5
Isn't that blackmail? :p: And who wants a penis - it'd just get in the way :p:
Reply 6
Hi :smile:

I like this guy in my year at college (Yr 13) - we're in the same group of friends but haven't ever really hung out together by ourselves. I really like him because he's funny, smart and quite cute :smile: However whenever we have been alone, even if just for a few minutes at lunchtime or whatever, it's awkward, and neither of us have anything to say really. Is there any potential there if we don't really talk? I really like him because he makes me laugh...but something tells me that it shouldn't be awkward, that we shouldn't have to force the conversation (if any) along. Any advice? J x

Maybe you can just stare into each others eyes. And if hes ''smart'' and ''funny'' then you should have SOMETHING to talk about no matter how mundane it is.


Reply 7
Isn't that blackmail? :p: And who wants a penis - it'd just get in the way :p:

Not really. It's good fun to rule subjects with.

As above, my guess is he likes you hence why it feels awkward between you. Just talk! It'll be tough at first but you'll relax and the conversation will flow :smile:
Reply 8
To be honest he probably likes you. I always find it much easier to talk comfortably to girls I'm not attracted to, cos I care less about what impression I make. If he does like you, then chances are when conversation gets going it will be fine, you just need somewhere to start...

That makes sense...thanks :smile: it just seems like we should talk more than we do, or at least have a bit more in common, at least so we can be good friends.
Reply 9
To be honest he probably likes you. I always find it much easier to talk comfortably to girls I'm not attracted to, cos I care less about what impression I make. If he does like you, then chances are when conversation gets going it will be fine, you just need somewhere to start...

ya i noticed that BUT maybe he is simply a shy person, so in that case u cant tell, or can u? :s-smilie:
this is a random thread but trust me being male is better, we can aim when we pee, think of the pros and cons, for a guy, no breasts so centre of gravity is lower so less chance of tipping over if an external force is applied. This is made even lower by male reproductive organs. So if an external force pushes me i wont fall as easily :smile: . Also we can use urinals. And we can do pretty much anything women do as well :smile: except child birth, except that is too painful and no man wants to do that. So men win :smile:

To answer your question just think who do you have more fun with? then decide like that, no point in being in a relation ship if it is boring.
It could just be awkward because you like each other. If you're used to having a group of friends around then things will be strange when you don't
Reply 12
It could just be awkward because you like each other./QUOTE]
Quite right. Talk about lessons or teachers or anything you have in common as much as you can and it should become less awkward with time. You will need to break that ice at some point if you want to get him into bed! :wink:
Isn't that blackmail? :p: And who wants a penis - it'd just get in the way :p:
Would you prefer it if he cut his off?
Reply 14
Would you prefer it if he cut his off?

I did that once in 'Nam. Wasn't a fun experience. Thankfully it grew back though.
i'm in a similar situation to this; i like a boy, and whenever we see each other, or when we're sat with a group, it feels awkward and we barely talk to each other.
but online we talk freely.
i like him, and he apparently likes me, but i guess i keep interpreting the awkwardness as him not being interested in me. but hopefully thats not the case!