The Student Room Group

tried to get with a good friend

ok, this sounds like an extreme scenario, but please take it seriously... i usually read threads like these and not believe them... it was the end of exams for me last week and we had a house party. i got very drunk and i don't really remember doing anything, but apparently i tried to pull my mate. he's a lad and i'm gay (male). i don't fancy him, but he has been really funny with me (and i don't blame him to be fair) since. do you think he could forgive me or not? in his shoes, i don't know if i could. i know that i was hugging just about everyone in my drunkeness, and i remember hugging him too, but nothing more. i don't remember trying to kiss him. he is avoiding me like the plague at the moment, and i can't properly speak to him. all my house mates are being off with me too. i feel like ****, but i can't turn back time. how would you suggest me bringing this up with him? i feel so awkward because i don't think i could ever convince others that i don't fancy him. any advice would be very much appreciated.
id say tread carefully, maybe give him some space for a few days.

he's probably completely freaked out, and wondering if you still can be friends (hate to be harsh, but i would be thinking that if i was in his shoes)

its kind of similar to male-female relationships, where one fancies the other (or at least seems to) and the other doesnt want it, it does change the friendship and 99% of times its for the worse.

ive been in a "drunk and said too much and came onto them" moment with a female friend before..and all our few conversations since has been strained.

so all the best, but id say maybe wait till he makes the first move, bombarding him with calls and texts will just make you seem even more desperate in his eyes.