The Student Room Group
spontaneous ideas are the best!! :]

so long as you never think 'that's impossible' you're starting off right..
there's nothing bad about planning at all, and I like the idea that somone would care enough to plan what they do and say. But at the same time, there's something rather romantic about someone being so overwhelmed by you that they just get the urge to run off and do something out of the ordinary.

And come on, every girl (secretly) loves to be wooed!

Oh and edit: not every girl loves spontaneity, I think it depends on the person just as much as the gender.
Reply 2
It's boring when people are predictable. Spontaneity goes some way to making someone more interesting and fun to be with.:smile:
when something is unexpected its just so much better!!!!

And come on, every girl (secretly) loves to be wooed! someone hot of course, not a geek or a clingy niceboy

Sometimes it's nice to plan things though, as then you've got the anticipation leading up to the actual event
Heh, I wonder how long it'll take Profesh to find this thread and point out the fact it's spelt "spontaneity" :p:
Reply 7
They want a textbook movie romance. Personally, if you don't think they're very spontaneous as a person, they don't really need a spontaneous person to woo them.
Reply 8
I suppose spontaneity is great because it's not something where the guy thinks "Ok, I must have something planned by day A, I must do this by 3 o'clock. What can I come up with to make her happy?" Spontaneity would mean that the guy just *wants* to make you happy and treating you makes you happy, so he goes and just does it, just randomly, cus he wants to see that smile on your face. Maybe when something is spontaneous (sp?) it seems more emotional and less mechanical, like it was an obligation.

But then when something is planned with thought, a girl loves it too. You wanna see what the guy's come up with and you expect something fantastic cus he's planned it for so long :biggrin: and maybe because of such high expectations, the actual gift ends up disappointing the girls, therefore spontaneous things are unexpected and therefore all the sweeter.