OK, here's the situation, im at uni, in a really **** house, feels like l'm always alone, made a fair bunch of mates but theres only four i feel that close enough to to think about living with next year...
1&2 Chris and Zane - out of the question....... see below
3. Mel - as close as a feel to her, NO, a, i fancy her, b, shes in with all girls
4. Joe - PERFECT he's moving out with his flatmates and we get on brilliantly! But...
OK, i'm disabled, I have cerebral palsy, and although i have 2 scheduled hours of domestic support a day, l know people can feel like they'll worry to much about me which is why Chris had to turn me down, he just said he'll feel too uncomfortable with knowing im there. Also, I will need a specific flat with adaptions and ****. Joe is the only guy i can really ask, but i feel it will make him feel awkward.
Do I just 4get about my disability and ask him straight or what?? What would someone do in this situation?
OH and, fooled yer! This thread wasnt about what you thoughtQ