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is it crap? cus i got rejected from there lol.

need 2 update my thingy sig.
Reply 2
woooaah! rejected???

nah tis a good university - this year they pumped up the requirements and have become harsh coz we got over subscribed this year!!! :p:

ooh got an offer from bath! nice one-- they are a good uni! ach - i see you too got the AAA requirements! i wanted to go there - but i'm here at sheff instead - found out that bath are more in the engineering anyhoo - i'm an artsy person -which is the sheff course! so tis all good
lol thanks.

i applied quite late....(the very last day of term last yr! so sumtime in dec) and sheff rejected me pretty much straight away. maybe they had given away all their offers ooor i jst wasn't gud enuff.

i dn't rly wna go bath, jst thought i'd try top 10 uni's n see wt happens. i'm more of the artsy type too so now u've put me of bath even more! lol! they only have 52 places n 22:1 applicants to places so it's all gud for the ego if anything lol.

hopefully it works out with ucl! yer baby!
Reply 4
do you have time to go out, wackysparkle, because all the other architecture students seem to live in the studio 24/7? :s-smilie:

i'm probably coming down for the open day on the 7th feb, which i'm really looking forward to - anyone else going to be there?
Reply 5
do u kno anythin bout kingston uni. ?
where would u put it overall 4 architecture, issit better than westminster ?
hey s.h.

not too sure about kingston really, but it doesn't feature in 'The Times Top 20 Architecture Schools', whereas Westminster is 17th, and in a nicer location!

So yer, go Westminster out of those 2. Google 'times good uni' and check out the ratings under subject tables.

Hope that helps.
Reply 7
I wouldnt pick a uni just because it features in the times top 20 list, but then again, I did end up at Bath...:p:

Just read around, find out about courses which will definately suit you, rather than just being high on the list:smile:
how is the course at bath?

is it really more 'sciency', and what's bath like in general?
Reply 9
Well, I dont know how "arty" it is at other places, but bath is probabally less so. We still do creative work- we had to work on a sketchbook of buildings in Bath in semester 1, and still spend 2 days a week in the studio working on projects. We also did Structures lectures and Building environment in term 1- which were quite sciency- but I had never done A level maths or physics and got on OK, so it wasnt really that bad.
Personally, i think its a good balance between the 2, because to be an architect, you have to learn the more sciency stuff eventually:smile:

Bath is an awesome place- the city itself is beautiful, and the campus, well it has its own 60's charm:biggrin: But its quite small and compact, but the architecture staff are all great- really enthusiastic etc.

Hope this helps a little bit, and more Q's feel free to post or PM me:smile:
Reply 10
cheers for help.
i kno dat westminster is 17 and kingston not even in da top 20. but then again in da same list UCL is 5th or somet. we all know dat they are da best, dont we?
true true, gud point.

next time ur in london (or if u live there), visit them both and see what you think. i personally haven't seen either but from what i've heard, don't go kingston!

lol gud luck!
Reply 12
dont go kingston?
i heard da same bout westminster.
those r my safeties. dunno which 1 to pick 4 a safety?
321beep: well most of the time i find myself indoors - coz i need to work on projects, but most of the time its like we have soo much of stuff to do and i baracade myself indoors, ,but then other times i find that i honestly have nothing to do. In the sheffield thread i told you what i have to do right now - and that wasn't the end of it reallly, i just found out that i have an introduction to two more projects before the semester is out which implies we have to work on it before we come back for semester 2! shocker!

if you want to do architecture you have to be able to sacrifice time whenever it is needed and try to not always go partying - i have friends who did that - and well - they had to either cram or whing it - they were able to go through with it coz their group members had worked hard!

i'm not saying that you should just devote yourself completely to the course! its just finding that balance, which just takes lil time - but its definately not like other courses, where all you have to do is read specific chapters and write up an assignment- coz this is a creative process which requires you to go through a design process -- h ence why i said that it is like art where you don't realy know what the time constraints are - until you go through the wrk well

s.h. - i was close to applying to westminster actually - but remembering back - yeah they had a real good course and all - but like some people had just posted - don't always go for "the-rated" best courses, its all down to your personal opinion - like are you sciency or artsy? or do you wanna do more engineering? --

ooh CRaig is doing a selling point for bath aint he? to be fair they were my firm choice, but i am glad that i am at sheffield --and don't get me wrong - its not all about ART! as in it aint as arsty as UCl -- there is a balance, between the lectures and the projects - but i feel that there is a small incline towards the artsy side! :wink:
Reply 14
im bit of both really,art and science mixture. u Heard of kingston, what u think bout them? as i said be4 its just da matter of picking a good 2nd choice 4 safety. Kingston or westminster. dats da question.
cheers 4 help
hmm - how about if i go through the courses for you an check them out? - then i will give my opinion coz i don't want to steer you in the wrong direction

is this university your saftey net? [like your 6th choice] or do you want it to be your insurance if you get it?
Reply 16
i got offers from both dunno which 1 to put as a safety, i.e. 2nd choice. dats da problem.
i would say westminster as it sounds like an all-round course rather than kingston which seems to me to be leaning towards the art side
Reply 18
thanks for bothering.
i found out bout dis site last nite, pretty useful. i ve also applied to edinburgh and manchester. got an offer from manc., got rejected from edin. thou.:mad:

cheers for help
ahh don't worry bout it! glad to help

thats only 1 out of 6 universities! don't feel disheartened--- whats your firm then?