when i was younger i was bullied a lot - and hence had some instilled prejudices against some people just because of the way they look. Its not my fault, its just that the bullies were always of the same type, they dressed the same way and they looked the same way as well.
Well, i am at uni now, and i have grown to remove those prejudices, but i still find it weird when my friends ask me to join them later on, simply coz my friends have those portrayals of the bullies from my childhood. I don't drink, and clubbing ain't my thing, i try to sound nice and turn them down, but i think doing it too many times could come off as a bad signal, and i don't want it to.
How do i get over the prejudices and accept that its normal that these people want me to go out with them, and how do i reject the offer nicely when i don't want to go out with them? [coz its always clubbing]
any comments and help is appreciated
thank you