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Trying to talk girlfriend out of having a tattoo....

Basically, my gf wants a small tattoo of her dog's name (as he died recently) in the small of her back.....i don't know why but i really hate the idea of tattoo's, and for some reason i really don't want her to have one. I've always disliked them. The thing is, she really wants one in memory of her dog, who meant a lot to i don't wanna seem insensitive, but i can see far better ways of remembering her dog than to have it's name burnt into her back.....

Hmm....i really want to support her though, and she wants one really badly....i just always get this bad feeling thinking about it....

I know i can't talk her out of it, and that it's her body and she can do as she likes with it, i just don't want her to make a permanent mistake that she may regret after....

What do you think?

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Reply 1
Do the old "will it look as nice when you're all old and wrinkly?" question. Ask her if she wants to have her dogs name on her back FOREVER, even when shes OLD. That put me off getting a tattoo. Just think how silly an little old lady would look with a tattoo. Tell her that and get her to imagine herslef as being OLD with a tattoo. Not a nice thought.
Reply 2
It's her body, it was her dog, she can remember him how she likes. So what if you can think of better ways? Better ways for you, maybe. But this is clearly her favourite way. And it's perfectly respectable, the name of someone she loves and always will, so it's not something she'll regret in the future.

Anyway, it's just a little name on the small of her back, it's not going to be scrawled across her forehead, so I'm sure you'll survive :smile:
If she wants to get it done support her because it's only going to be a small tattoo, it will make her happy and it really won't affect you at all :smile:
Reply 4
Eek well personally I hate tattoos so I would list all the postives and negatives:
Negatives -
it will be disgusting when she is older.
She will look like a wannabe biker chick. erm, groovy!
Her future pets will feel neglected
People may think she is a dog.
Tattoos are common. (I think.)
You won't fancy her as much.
It's painful.
If she's doing this for one dog she will have to do it with all her future pets, and humans too so her body will be a collection of random names and she will get funny looks.
And it's just horrible!

Postives -
She can always have laser surgery.
It's an excuse for you to dump her with (not being cynical, just in case you don't know what the future brings lol)

Maybe you could buy her a necklace with a pendant that is engraved with the dogs name so she can keep that and rekindle her memories. (Though would she feel like a dog if she was wearing a this?! ooer.) Or get a pic of the dog and put it in a nice frame. then she has something to keep and remember the dog by.

This is probably not much help, but thumbs up for keeping me thinking for a few mins!
If she is a reasonable person, buy her some jewelry with "in memory of fido" or whatever etched discretely into it (inside of a watch is ideal). Give it to her, and tell her you are really uncomfortable with her getting a tattoo for any reason. Say that if she respects your opinions she wont get it done.

If she still insists, insist that youll only let her if she consents to anal or a threesome; EVERYBODY WINS.
Reply 6
Eek well personally I hate tattoos so I would list all the postives and negatives:
Negatives -
[1.] She will look like a wannabe biker chick. erm, groovy!
[2.] Her future pets will feel neglected
[3.] People may think she is a dog.

1. Sweeping statement with no real validity.
2. WTF? Since when could pets read?
3. Again - WTF.

You really didn't think these through properly.

OP - Getting a tattoo of a dog's name, although for sentimental reasons is still a very tacky thing to have. It's like having "LOVE" and "HATE" on your knuckles. It just sounds like she wants a tattoo and this is her excuse to get one. If you can, make her wait a year or so before she goes ahead with it.
Reply 7
'Burnt' into her back? Right.

And let her do what she wants; no one will ever talk me out of something I want to do to my body. If she's certain, you trying to talk her out of it will only annoy her.
Reply 8
The OK Kid Computer Theif
Basically, my gf wants a small tattoo of her dog's name (as he died recently) in the small of her back.....i don't know why but i really hate the idea of tattoo's, and for some reason i really don't want her to have one. I've always disliked them. The thing is, she really wants one in memory of her dog, who meant a lot to i don't wanna seem insensitive, but i can see far better ways of remembering her dog than to have it's name burnt into her back.....

Hmm....i really want to support her though, and she wants one really badly....i just always get this bad feeling thinking about it....

I know i can't talk her out of it, and that it's her body and she can do as she likes with it, i just don't want her to make a permanent mistake that she may regret after....

What do you think?

How will it affect you?
Reply 9
Eek well personally I hate tattoos so I would list all the postives and negatives:
Negatives -
it will be disgusting when she is older. Not necessarily
She will look like a wannabe biker chick. erm, groovy! Don't make stupid stereotypes ffs
Her future pets will feel neglected Yes because obviously loving her pet who's just died will make her love her future pets less. Oh wait, wrong. And here's the biggie - pets can't read! Honestly :rolleyes:
People may think she is a dog. There's always going to be stupid people out there.
Tattoos are common. (I think.) So are babies. Your point?
You won't fancy her as much. So his girlfriend should lead her life according to what will make her boyfriend fancy her more? Er, no, he should love her for who she is.
It's painful. So are babies. Your point?
If she's doing this for one dog she will have to do it with all her future pets, and humans too so her body will be a collection of random names and she will get funny looks. Don't be so ridiculous.
And it's just horrible! And you're just incredibly biased!

Postives -
She can always have laser surgery. Or, she could not.
It's an excuse for you to dump her with (not being cynical, just in case you don't know what the future brings lol) Don't be stupid. It's not an excuse anyway.

Maybe you could buy her a necklace with a pendant that is engraved with the dogs name so she can keep that and rekindle her memories. (Though would she feel like a dog if she was wearing a this?! ooer.) Or get a pic of the dog and put it in a nice frame. then she has something to keep and remember the dog by.

This is probably not much help, but thumbs up for keeping me thinking for a few mins!

If she is a reasonable person, buy her some jewelry with "in memory of fido" or whatever etched discretely into it (inside of a watch is ideal). Give it to her, and tell her you are really uncomfortable with her getting a tattoo for any reason. Say that if she respects your opinions she wont get it done.

If she still insists, insist that youll only let her if she consents to anal or a threesome; EVERYBODY WINS.

Hello, what about him respecting her opinions? Oh, and that it's HER body?

By your logic, you cant condemn or disagree with ANYONE elses decision regarding themselves.
Reply 12
Although I can see your point, maybe she wants a permanent reminder of her dog and if its only going to be a small tatoo then maybe it will be ok. I personally have two tats, they are only small and spend most of the time covered up with clothes ( I even forget they are there sometimes), and to reply to some on here, when I am old and wrinkly they wont look horrible.........they will just remind me of my youth!:wink:
By your logic, you cant condemn or disagree with ANYONE elses decision regarding themselves.

You haven't thought that through too well.
You haven't thought that through too well.

Wrong. You are what those in my extended circle refer to as "a personal liberty nazi". You believe that the right to autonomy trumps all other considerations. This is a view that needs justification. He should have a say in whether she gets a tattoo for two reasons: it effects him, and he cares about her.

Haha, you actually thought most of those were serious suggestions. Hey look, someone's written gullible above your head.
Reply 16
Do the old "will it look as nice when you're all old and wrinkly?" question. Ask her if she wants to have her dogs name on her back FOREVER, even when shes OLD. That put me off getting a tattoo. Just think how silly an little old lady would look with a tattoo. Tell her that and get her to imagine herslef as being OLD with a tattoo. Not a nice thought.

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with that mentality. Think about it! When you are old, you're going to look minging anyway, what difference will a tattoo make? On your back which by the way, nobody will ever see. You're going to be wrinkled, saggy, have grey hair and to be honest a little black tattoo is going to be the least of your worries. You think that when you're 70, a tattoo is going to make you unattractive? In an ideal world maybe.
Why the hell would you permanently imprint the name of a dog into your back? :/ Let her do it but all I'm gonna say is your ****ed when her parents die.
Reply 18
It sounds like a really bad idea that she'll regret in a couple of years, but it's not your place to tell her not to. As long as she knows what you think about it you should let her do whatever she wants.
Haha, you actually thought most of those were serious suggestions. Hey look, someone's written gullible above your head.

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise you were ellen_26's doppelganger :rolleyes: