Obviously I've thought about it... particularly if you've been with someone for a while, if things are a bit 'ugh' at the time, and you're thinking 'noone would have to know' but I never have done, which I like, because as much as I go a bit mad when I'm single, I can say that I don't 'have' to do it, I've got some self control at least!!
I have been cheated on, and it sucks. & its easy to say 'it wouldn't bother me' or conversely 'I'd get rid of them immediately, they obviously don't love me' but neither of those are true... each situation is different and you can't have a hard and fast rule. A drunken kiss at a party is very different to someone you love pulling someone every time they're out without you, and both of those are very different to the person you love going out with you but being in love with someone else.