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yes i have cheated
no way :frown: bad
Reply 3
Even if you don't love someone you're in a relationship with, then you still don't cheat. If you want someone else, split up with your partner before doing it, don't cheat.
well we'll see if u still feel the same if u are in the situation where u feel strongly for 2 people.

you've never been in that situation so dont judge
Reply 5
I've never cheated or knowingly been cheated on, but I have been cheated with; this guy was seeing another girl when we became close. But I was slightly in denial about our relationship and there was a whooole back story, so I convinced myself that we weren't really dating which was pretty stupid.

...Needless to say our relationship didn't go far.

I don't think cheating's good because generally speaking it can't end positively. If you break up with someone and start seeing someone else it'll hurt the first person, sure, but not as much as cheating on them. Or if they both don't know... etc. Just messy.
Reply 6
I've never had anyone to cheat on :frown:

But seriously, I really can't see why I'd want to if I loved whoever I was with.
awww ;console; you can cheat on me anyday :hubba:
Reply 7
well we'll see if u still feel the same if u are in the situation where u feel strongly for 2 people.

you've never been in that situation so dont judge

If you felt strongly for two people then you wouldn't put them through it, you would choose. Anyone who cheats has stronger feelings for themselves than they do the 2 other people.
Reply 8
Yes, I cheated and I will cheat in the future.
Never would, never will and never could.
Yes, I cheated and I will cheat in the future.

thank u!! everything isnt as straight forward as some naive people think
Reply 11
What, so unless you cheat on someone you're naive? Some of us have been in the situation and have resisted the temptation, thank you.
Reply 12
I cheated on my last bf but this was because i was in a very tempting situation. I'm not trying to justify what i did, cus i know I'm a bitch, but unless you've been in a similar situation, its hard to say.
Reply 13
Alex Mann
What, so unless you cheat on someone you're naive? Some of us have been in the situation and have resisted the temptation, thank you.

Very true indeed, I'm just weak i guess, but everyone learns from their mistakes
Obviously I've thought about it... particularly if you've been with someone for a while, if things are a bit 'ugh' at the time, and you're thinking 'noone would have to know' but I never have done, which I like, because as much as I go a bit mad when I'm single, I can say that I don't 'have' to do it, I've got some self control at least!!

I have been cheated on, and it sucks. & its easy to say 'it wouldn't bother me' or conversely 'I'd get rid of them immediately, they obviously don't love me' but neither of those are true... each situation is different and you can't have a hard and fast rule. A drunken kiss at a party is very different to someone you love pulling someone every time they're out without you, and both of those are very different to the person you love going out with you but being in love with someone else.

Reply 15
define cheating
define cheating

Good point.
I cheated on my last bf but this was because i was in a very tempting situation. I'm not trying to justify what i did, cus i know I'm a bitch, but unless you've been in a similar situation, its hard to say.

my situation.

the person i cheated with i felt strongly for and was there at the time me and my bf were havin a bad time.

there is no justification but its a difficult situation to be in.u wont understand unless you've been in it
Reply 18
It should be "I hope never to cheat" not "I'd never cheat". You can't rule it out entirely.
It should be "I hope never to cheat" not "I'd never cheat". You can't rule it out entirely.

very good point, i was thinking that