The Student Room Group

this girl

I know this may sound bit silly. I was starting to go out with a girl I know. But since our exams have been very distant and have no idea if she wants to start things up again or not. Things might be fine, but also she may not want to see me any more, hence the problem. Do you think it's best to ask her directly what's going on sort of thing, or just assume things are fine and ask her if she wants to do anything something. don't get to see her unless specifically arrange to meet up as live fair distance apart so don't bump into her everyday.
any ideas? thanks
Reply 1
text her something like "hey, hows the exams going?" then go on about how you're finding them hard/easy

we all know that that's a "hey i wanna talk". If she doesn't reply, unfortunately mate, seems like u might have to back off. If she replies, but then says "talk to u later" or something equally topic-closing at the end, your in her good books, but u might get away with it.

If, however, she's been thinking the exact same thing, then she'll jump at the chance!
Reply 2
Agree with the above response! A good idea. Texting something casual is a good way to find out if someone is into you or just wants to be friends. I hate all that game playing at the start of a relationship, when you're not even sure if you're together or what. But you just have to go with it :p:
text her something like "hey, hows the exams going?" then go on about how you're finding them hard/easy

we all know that that's a "hey i wanna talk". If she doesn't reply, unfortunately mate, seems like u might have to back off. If she replies, but then says "talk to u later" or something equally topic-closing at the end, your in her good books, but u might get away with it.

If, however, she's been thinking the exact same thing, then she'll jump at the chance!

yep good piece of advice.
Reply 4
k did that, and got a reply saying how they went and gl with rest of mine, Still feel in the dark though. any thoughts? wish there was an easy way to know :frown:
Reply 5
Just say fancy meeting up once they're over?
wish there was an easy way to know :frown:

Ask? I hate game-playing. Say what you mean, and she'll do the same. Either way, you'll get bonus points / her respect for not being a wimp about it.