The Student Room Group

Being known as 'the girl who sent death threats to everyone in her school'

Hello. 8 years ago. In school, I was picked on and bullied so much that in year 8, I had to get special permission from the teachers to leave 5 mintutes early 'to avoid the gangs'. I also did the same with the library (at lunch, so I could be safe. Wasn't the keenest to have my head dunked in a toilet bowl again), and canteen area until I was in year 11.

Anyway, this is all just the tip of the ice berg as I had many family problems (rents were splitting up, grandparent died), and in school when I was bullied much of it was actually racial (I'm of mixed heritage but the kids just did the whole 'black' or 'Indian' style jokes). I was a bit nerdy too, but I mean I wasn't that bad, I did cross country yet I was STILL picked on! Blind!

So anyway. At the end of year 10, after I had my appendix out, dunno what happened but I just lost it and sent hate mail (NOT death threats :rolleyes: ) just to the bullies.

Then due to lack of communication the rumour turned into something much worse :frown: The police were called, and I was ordered community service, but since there was no evidence of death threats (and at 15, underage) they ldecided against it. Yay!

But now I have to live with this sterotype, and I'm wondering what to do.

Today I was at the mall, and this guy yelled out 'there's that .... ' well I'm sure you'd know :wink:

It made me feel sad. What should I say to these people, I reckon just smile and be nice to them. I can't ignore. Ah help me :frown:
Reply 1
Like let's say I was mates with one of you, and you heard that rumour. Would you stop being my friend and avoid me ( :frown: ) or go 'hey! Heard this about you, please explain'.
ermmm did you cme to the anti-bullying soc? i remember a simliar story
Reply 3
It's me, and thankyou Wackysparkle, you rule I think about you offline too :smile:

I just wanted to know if people would still be my friend after hearing that, coz it was ages ago and I'm now a nice person :angel:

I feel sad coz lately someone from my town pointed me out and it sucked.
Reply 4
Also if you were a guy would you be put off my a girl if heard *that* rumour (in title, urgh don't wanna repeat it) :s-smilie:

Even if she was really hot :biggrin:
I would still be your friend, most likely :smile: I'd have to know the full story though.
awwww thx :smile:

well i think you need to give it time - and don't tell people about your past - they don't need to know! ---- you need to heal, and by always going back to the past you can't, let the past rest, move on,,, so what! that was one person, ONLY! it just shows that the past is finally laying in rest.

and most importantly don't let the bullies make you think twice on whether you are a nice person. you are who you are regardless of the stupidities of others!
Same as people have said above..I can sort of understand why you did what you did, because sometimes people do stupid things when they're angry and hurt (I know, I've done it 1000 times myself) but if I was friends with you at school then I'd have liked you to have explained yourself.
need to get advice most disburbing.
Reply 9
Grin and bear it. Those worth worrying about it won't be affected, and there is nothing you can do to change the opinions of others. Just keep smiling and carryon with your life as normal.
Reply 10
If I heard a rumour that one of my friends had sent death threats to everyone in school, I'd probably like them more. Shows strength of character.

Keep a sense of perspective, would be my advice. No-one died, you didn't do anything unforgivable, just get on with life & enjoy it.
It's me, and thankyou Wackysparkle, you rule I think about you offline too :smile:

I just wanted to know if people would still be my friend after hearing that, coz it was ages ago and I'm now a nice person :angel:

I feel sad coz lately someone from my town pointed me out and it sucked.

If i was already your friend and i knew you were nice i would ask for an explanation but if it is as you said it, then i'd understand and still be your friend.
Reply 12
Why are you replying to your own thread?