The Student Room Group
Why? you think that someone might be around just because they pity you?
Reply 2
It depends what kind of stuff they're doing with you!!
It depends what kind of stuff they're doing with you!!

Haha :p:
Reply 4
I'm a guy, and i'm like in the same position.
I like this girl, all i can do is be nice to her.
I've tried making like a physical contact. I mean like, i touch her on the shoulder or the head sometimes, depending on the situation. I don't like randomy start tapping her on the head. But i hope she knows that she's the only one i even make contact... Know what i'm saying?
Reply 5
you tend to find different types of 'niceness' if the person makes the effort to see you and flirts and makes innuendo's, they probably do like you.

if you however, as nacled was saying, if you make physical contact but you get the feeling they are trying to 'ignore' it, it normally means they're not interested that way

im not going to say the only way to find out is to ask them, coz that could pose as a problem if they say they dont (trust me it happened to me)

best thing i can suggest it to watch thier body language toward you. if its sort of flirty and 'close-like' they like you, if its more casual, probably just as a friend!!!

Reply 6

I'm always friendly horrible to girls, if they play back then there worth time and show some interest. You seem to just know if somebody likes you as much as you like them.