hey guys..this situations been doing my head in..so just wanted some outside perspective and/or advice
Im a female.
I’ve known this guy for 4/5 years and its only been in the last year or so we’ve become closer. When we talk to each other we have a really good time and ‘click', he gives me his full attention and is full of complements etc etc. He was the one that took the 1st step in finding ways to get us closer. But the thing is ever since we have gotten closer its always been me who initiates contact via textn/msn/calling etc its never ever him. If I don’t ask how he is he will never initiate a conversation/contact to ask how im doing…I’ve been putting this theory to the test recently (because I thought I was being a bit paranoid) and its been up to 4 weeks and nothing!
He doesn’t answer my emails but will acknowledge them in later conversations and say he ‘really enjoyed them’, ‘how come I stopped emailing’ etc etc as if it were the complete norm for someone to carry on emailing when getting no reply!- I don’t think he realises its quite off putting because he actually gets offended when I keep away for too long !!
Hes going through a rough time right now, but its always been like this and he seems to be keeping in contact with his other mates but not me.
How should I be interpreting this behaviour?….is this typical male behaviour? .... why does he expect me to be the one running after him? ..i really do like him but it seems im doing all the hard work and hes only interested in me when i show interest.