The Student Room Group

I have a cut in my foot

And it hurts :frown:

I have dry feet and the cut is a result of friction of some kind. It nags at me every step I take. Gaah. And I'm supposed to be going out tonight so I can't see that situation getting better :/

Anything I can do for it between now and (maybe) six o'clock? Would it be enough for me to pop down to a shop and buy a plaster for it?
I would, but i have psychological thing with plasters, they always make me feel better. I have something like 40 pairs of shoes so i'm alwasy covered in blisters from wearing pairs that maybe i haven't worn in properly or shoes i don't wear or a very regular basis.
Reply 2
So what do you do to ease the pain? I'm sure a plaster will be involved for me to prevent things getting into the wound, I just don't enjoy the pangs every time I move the bloody foot.
Some sort of antiseptic cream and a plaster. Other than that you'll just have to put up with it.
Reply 4
I trod on my straightners once.
Beat that.

And uhh, I just had to limp for a few days.

I'd go and get a plaster though :P You can get quite padded ones that should be a lot more comfortable.
Reply 5
Calomine lotion?
Reply 6
Toy Soldier
Some sort of antiseptic cream and a plaster. Other than that you'll just have to put up with it.

*******s; OK I guess I will. And maybe spend time drinking rather than trying to dance :p:

If nothing else, beer may dull the pain, or I may even have too much fun to remember I'm even in pain...
When i'm at home and i have time, i stick my feet in tub of hot soapy
water for a while, it cleans the wound out and soothes it a bit before gently drying it with a towel and covering it with a plaster.
I trod on my straightners once.
Beat that.

When I was 7 I trod on a 2 inch needle, which got stuck in the bone and then broke off.

Beat that :p:
Reply 9
I get little cracks in my feet when the weather is cold. Foot cream is pretty good. I can't remember the name of the one I have....
Reply 10
When i'm at home and i have time, i stick my feet in tub of hot soapy
water for a while, it cleans the wound out and soothes it a bit before gently drying it with a towel and covering it with a plaster.

That is sooo going to be me tomorrow! I'm wincing and crying in anticipation of the pain :/

I get little cracks in my feet when the weather is cold. Foot cream is pretty good. I can't remember the name of the one I have....

You're not the only one; I'll have to invest in this foot cream stuff.
I think it might be made by Scholl.
Reply 12
compeed plasters are good, try those :smile: