The Student Room Group

Preventing the inevitable

My good friend just broke up with her long term bf.

She's OK, but me and my friends are worried. For a long time she's been way too close (imo) to one of her guy friends. He blatantly fancies her, but i've reason to believe that she's telling the truth when she says she doesnt fancy him. They are very close: she works in his room all the time, and vice versa.

Anyway, we're just worried that now she's vulnerable after the breakup he'll see his chance and things will all go wrong. What do do? We cant actually stop them spending time together. She has always neglected us for him even when she had a bf. :frown: :confused:
Reply 1
Tape it and put it on youtube.
Reply 2
'what do we do?'

um..nothing imo. I understand you're concerned because she's your close friend, but it's none of your business. If she likes the other dude, and he 'blantently fancies her' then I say you should respect that.

I don't understand where the problem is. Are you worried she will spend even less time with you lot? :confused:
Reply 3
Nice friends u r.. :smile: