The Student Room Group
most likely.
where are you going for you degree? I'm at Loughborough doing sociology and we can pick our minor when we get here or just do straight sociology. So we can pick comm and media studies modules, and if you do a certain percentage of those then you get soc with a minor in comm and media studies.
Hm, I doubt it? You need to know about writing press releases and loads of other stuff about PR that I doubt Sociology will let you in on? I might just be talking crap though, it's just i'm looking into PR courses right now, and it's very specialised. Which makes me think you actually have to learn and aquire the skills for it.
Reply 4
Absolutely loads of girls on my Sociology course are intending on doing PR. Loads of them did Easter internships with PR companies and stuff, so it must be more of a common ambition for Sociology graduates than it seems.
Reply 5
I would probably do a masters in PR afterwards.
I would probably do a masters in PR afterwards.

I was under the impression that PR jobs required "graduates". Ergo, it doesn't matter what degree you do, as long as it is fairly respectable (which Sociology is)?
Reply 7
as long as it is fairly respectable (which Sociology is)?

Is it though?
Is it though?

Yes. It's not travel and tourism; and we're not talking about A levels. Degrees are a different kettle of fish. Anthony Giddens certainly hasn't done badly out of it, as I'm sure Mr. Blair would vouch.
Reply 9
Yes. It's not travel and tourism; and we're not talking about A levels. Degrees are a different kettle of fish. Anthony Giddens certainly hasn't done badly out of it, as I'm sure Mr. Blair would vouch.

Haralambos is really rich and everyone takes the piss out of him :biggrin: :biggrin: