The Student Room Group


Ok, so was out clubbing with a good friend and got talking to some really fit guys as you do, just toi make a point I was the one who made the effort to introduce myself and get them dancing, so she starts whispering in the ear of EVERY SINGLE BLOKE who i start dancing with. Even when she said to me "i like x, he's fit and mine hands off" so i was like, thats cool, his friends mine, and then she went and tried it on with the friend. I'm sorry but where do you draw the line, i mean does she have no respect for me. I even said to her quite stealing all my blokes, but she just laughed it off. Does anyone else have this problem. I mean there's competition but this seems ridiculous.
why don't u just stop going clubbiongo with her, or just stop hangino out with her in the club if u do?
She doesn't really sound like great company :/ :frown:

Whenever I'm out (I hardly go out, again it's the remnants of being the school geek:rolleyes: :cool:) I pay my friends maximum attention because they are important to me and they come first.
She doesn't really sound like great company :/ :frown:

Whenever I'm out (I hardly go out, again it's the remnants of being the school geek:rolleyes: :cool:) I pay my friends maximum attention because they are important to me and they come first.

That's because you're older and much more mature than the common TSR user. A thing I've noticed about you is that you have your priorities very, very straight.
Reply 4
That's just childish. Don't go clubbing with her.
That's because you're older and much more mature than the common TSR user. A thing I've noticed about you is that you have your priorities very, very straight.
Aww thanks for that comment! My friends don't think so loool :smile: It's because tbh I used to be a little immature for my age, as in, coz I liked animals (especially horses!) and stuff when everyone was getting out there at uni. Yeah I couldn't speak until I was 2, so was behind in the social world anyway:redface: Took a GAP year in 2002, so by the time I started uni was 19, instead of the usual 17/18.

I have made more than an effort to catch up on these things though.

So I take what you said as a compliment :smile: Thankyou x x
Reply 6
Aww thanks for that comment! My friends don't think so loool :smile: It's because tbh I used to be a little immature for my age, as in, coz I liked animals (especially horses!) and stuff when everyone was getting out there at uni. Yeah I couldn't speak until I was 2, so was behind in the social world anyway:redface: Took a GAP year in 2002, so by the time I started uni was 19, instead of the usual 17/18.

I have made more than an effort to catch up on these things though.

So I take what you said as a compliment :smile: Thankyou x x

Gap years are wonderful, but I took 4. A bit too many, i think. I'm 21 and only in my first year. Oh well... I'll be 25-26 when I graduate. I'd like to think that some of the experiences I've had have made me more mature/smarter.

Ditto to what Why said. It seems that you are quite... what's a good word... balanced. hehe

She sounds really insecure. She doesn't like the idea that these guys might be more attracted to you than to her, or that you might pull someone and she might not, and so she tries it on with all of them and doesn't let you get a look in. If I were you, next time she wants to go out, I'd say, "I'm sorry, but I'd rather not. When we go out you try it on with every bloke I start dancing with and it's starting to annoy me. I've mentioned this to you before, but you don't seem to be getting the message, so maybe it's best if we just don't go clubbing together."

She should be ashamed enough to change her ways.
One of my friends used to do this. I think the most likely reason for it was that she was insecure, and very paranoid about what people thought of her. I'm pretty sure she went for the blokes that I liked because they had my approval. She will grow out of it.
This sounds so ridiculous, so immature. Slutty. Slaggy.
Ok, so have talked to her and its true, she wnt on about how fit i was lking so possibly a little insecure, more extremely drunk apparently. Anyway, given her a warning and shes not gonna drink as much nxt time so we'll see, second chance. And if she does it again i'll just be less forgiving.
you could also try going with a larger group of friends so she'll maybe go after one of their guys instead and let you do your thing :wink: lol sorry that wasnt a very serious post!
If one of my close friends did that i'd be absolutely fuming. Its like shes going out to ruin your night. Fair enough they're only guys but its the same if you introduced her to a group of your girlmates and she spend the entire night getting their attention from you!

Hopefully she'll get the message now you've brought it to her attention. Good luck and have fun, remember theres always plenty of people to go clubbing with that will want to have as good a night as you and wont set out to ruin it!