Hi, I was just wondering what your UMS scores are, I've searched and there's not been one like this so far, well at least not one in as great detail so lets do the full thing while we're at it. I have not done many threads so please help me out here I would really appreciate it if you could fill it out - not as long as the "who you are" thread and more precise! Thank you.
GCSEs or equivalent: ? AS level UMS (/300) or equivalent: ? College and course being taken at Cambridge: ?
Well I have an offer. I have yet to have made the grades (AAA) but here it is so far
GCSEs or equivalent: 1 A* 9As AS level UMS (/300) or equivalent: 275: Drama and Theatre Studies 260: English Literature 235: Politics 230: Maths College and course being taken at Cambridge: Homerton, English and Drama with Education
ditto - i have an offer too but haven't got the As so far...
GCSEs or equivalent: 3A*s 5As 1B
AS level UMS (/300) or equivalent: Politics(pending retake marks!): 226. Religious Studies: 298. English Lit: 300. History: 300. Also 300 for General Studies if we're counting that?!
College and course being taken at Cambridge: Have an offer from Christ's for philosophy.
Query - my offer says I have to get 3 As, does this mean As overall? Or specifically do i need As in the A level exam as well as at AS?
I've got an offer of AAAA in Bio, Chem, Phys, Maths, not counting Spanish...
GCSEs or equivalent:IGCSEs: 5A* 5A AS level UMS (/300) or equivalent: Don't do modular A-levels but i got AAAB for AS (Darn Physics!) as we just do Spanish A-level in 1 year College and course being taken at Cambridge: NatSci (Bio) at Christ's
Yet to amke my AAA offer from Robinson to do Law GCSE: 7A* and 4A's My A/S level UMS marks are history (300), Politics (293) English Lit (271) and Maths (217)
I got an offer for medicine at Christ's UMS: 293(bio) 287ish(chem) 287(physics) and just over 90% average in maths modules so far (they aren't cashed in)
also, do you mean Cam students or acceptees? because its likely to differ, partly because of retakes and partly because they are more likely to remember A2 overall rather than what they got at AS
CGPC - your offer is for A's at A2 level, this is why it is conditional as you haven't got those grades yet. They don't make offers of just AS grades.
Query - my offer says I have to get 3 As, does this mean As overall? Or specifically do i need As in the A level exam as well as at AS?
You need 3 A's at A-level overall. As long as you have at least 480/600UMS marks in a subject it doesn't matter if you didnt get an A in the A2 section.
GCSEs or equivalent: 8 A*s, 3 A's, 1 A at FSMQ AS level UMS (/300) or equivalent: Maths (A2): 573 Physics: 257 Chemistry: 244 Electronics: 241 (twilight) College and course being taken at Cambridge: Engineering at Peterhouse, 2008 entry.
French- 300 Russian- 300 English Lit.- 292 History- 293
But, at my school at least, there was no obvious correlation between marks (in the highest bracket) and offers. As long as you get around 270 in most things you'll be fine. Oh and if your are applying for law or medicine, the LNAT and BMAT scores seemed to have a massive impact on whether or not people got offers.
French- 300 Russian- 300 English Lit.- 292 History- 293
But, at my school at least, there was no obvious correlation between marks (in the highest bracket) and offers. As long as you get around 270 in most things you'll be fine. Oh and if your are applying for law or medicine, the LNAT and BMAT scores seemed to have a massive impact on whether or not people got offers.