The Student Room Group

Guy dilemma

Basically i met this guy at a mates party last january and we took each others numbers and kept in touch.

He lives in birmingham and i live in London, so we never had a chance to meet up.
Recently he's got back with his ex-girlfriend so i hardly hear from him.
When we first met and when we used to chat on the phone, it was just friendly conversation. Sometimes we'd talk on msn and we'd just talk about general life and how things are.
But this last few weeks he's constantly texting me, like every minute of the day asking how i am? and what im doing?
Now he even texts me when i'm sleeping at night,telling me how he cant sleep and asks what im doing? He's planning to come to london and wants to see me.
I don't know what to do? coz he has a girlfriend and i have feelings for him but i don't want to get involved. I don't understand why he's textimg me so much either???? My friend thinks im clueless and says its obvious he fancies me???
Reply 1
It seems quite strange that he is acting this way, have u tried asking him why he constantly texts you, and if he states something around the borderline "I fancy you" , you can tell him "you have a girlfriend and its wrong", but i wouldnt get involved with a man who already has a girlfriend. If he is still with his gf and texts you , and u get together, god knows he could do that to another girl whilst being with you. Get things cleared with him first and tell him to be honest and take things from there

good luck and keep us updated

Desire xxxx
Basically i met this guy at a mates party last january and we took each others numbers and kept in touch.

He lives in birmingham and i live in London, so we never had a chance to meet up.
Recently he's got back with his ex-girlfriend so i hardly hear from him.
When we first met and when we used to chat on the phone, it was just friendly conversation. Sometimes we'd talk on msn and we'd just talk about general life and how things are.
But this last few weeks he's constantly texting me, like every minute of the day asking how i am? and what im doing?
Now he even texts me when i'm sleeping at night,telling me how he cant sleep and asks what im doing? He's planning to come to london and wants to see me.
I don't know what to do? coz he has a girlfriend and i have feelings for him but i don't want to get involved. I don't understand why he's textimg me so much either???? My friend thinks im clueless and says its obvious he fancies me???

Take him up on it. ask him honestly if he's txting you a lot because he likes you, or for some other reason.

You're totally right to not want to touch him with a bargepole if he's in a relationship.