I think Katwin may well have hit the nail on the head. Quite possibly she likes you and thinks you two may be good together, but when you put her on the spot she wasn't sure enough to give you a definite answer so groped around for something non-offensive to say to get her out of the situation. As for whether or not she was lying at either point, I don't think her having told the truth at either point, to you or your friends, is mutually exclusive to her having told the truth at the other point. It always seem easy to think about being with other people when you are comfortably cocooned within a relationship..."if I didn't have a boyfriend" is a very convenient get-out clause from really applying yourself to a statement of emotion. So perhaps when she said that to your friends, she wasn't being completely serious with herself. Quite possibly she finds you attractive, but she may not have completely thought through what she was saying back before she broke up her with her boyfriend, do you see what I'm saying? Similarly, when she told you she "hadn't thought about you that way before" maybe she wasn't being completely, 100% truthful in the sense that she had looked at you as more than a friend but that she was telling the truth in that she hadn't really thought through what it might entail to be in a relationship with you. I know it's a cop out but really the only way you're going to find out is by talking to the culprit herself. Ask her if she'd like to hang out, just you and her; get some food in, watch dvds, have a few drinks and you'll find that the conversation flows freely. Being a bit drunk is the perfect excuse to "jokingly" ask her about what she said to your friends and if she does a u-turn and completely snubs you you can save your dignity by pretending you don't remember in the morning. I think it does sound like she fancies you though so if you put her on the spot it might lead to a lot more in the heat of the moment.