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Reply 1
Exquisite irony.
Reply 2
dont worry..i know loads of people who have failed it!
City bound
Exquisite irony.

Ahaha harsh but true.
Reply 4
i am seriously starting to doubt whether I can hack it!

i just failed my verbal reasoning for barcap.................. :s-smilie:

What was it all about? Was is really that difficult?
Reply 5
Is it harder than 11+?
Reply 6
wi am interested to know what it was about, barcap is Barclays Capital right?
Reply 7
So did I. It means nothing. People I know who cannot speak english passed. Its a lottery.
Reply 8
I didn't find it that hard. You just have to think carefully and answer only from the text you are given. And then check again and make sure that your answer follows. I expect I will have changed my mind by tomorrow - I have to do verbal reasoning for another bank!
Reply 9
ur not alone i failed it too. but im using my other email to re-apply. a friend told me that no human will check your application unless you pass both tests.

i also know that this system works as another friend applied to meryll lynch 3 times before getting an interview.
Reply 10
Couldn't you become unstuck if you actually get the internship or whatever though - they might check then and it wouldn't be hard to see that you had done this.
Reply 11
verbal reasoning is not a lottery. If you can't speak english, how the **** am I going to put you in front of a client?
Reply 12
verbal reasoning is not a lottery. If you can't speak english, how the **** am I going to put you in front of a client?

Try expressing yourself without the need for profanity. :wink:
Reply 13
Try expressing yourself without the need for profanity. :wink:

1. You would hate the trading desk.

2. How do you know I didn't star out the words myself?
Reply 14
You're hardly at the trading desk at the moment rboogie. Young'uns can view this forum.
Reply 15
1. You would hate the trading desk.

2. How do you know I didn't star out the words myself?

You don't have to tell me what I'd love or hate. I can decide that for myself. I personally have no problem with people swearing just to let off a bit of steam, but in this context, it's funny how you resort to swearing when we're talking about a verbal reasoning test. Even if you starred out the words, what does that imply? That you can't express yourself better?
Reply 16
verbal reasoning is not a lottery. If you can't speak english, how the **** am I going to put you in front of a client?

Erm, A* in english...I can speak english perfectly and Ive failed a verbal before. So what?
Reply 17
And Knogle let the man swear, who cares, everyone swears on the trading floor...shes right
Reply 18
You don't have to tell me what I'd love or hate. I can decide that for myself. I personally have no problem with people swearing just to let off a bit of steam, but in this context, it's funny how you resort to swearing when we're talking about a verbal reasoning test. Even if you starred out the words, what does that imply? That you can't express yourself better?

Dude, is this a poetry class or a student forum? Even Salinger swore. It's not like he couldn't write.
Reply 19
Erm, A* in english...I can speak english perfectly and Ive failed a verbal before. So what?

Well, then you have very little excuse for failing. It's not ****ing rocket science.