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Reply 1
wear a big badge saying 20 today, everyday :biggrin:
Change of haircut?
Dress sense?

I don't see the problem really. When you're 50, you'll be glad people think you're not that old!
Enjoy it! When you're 60 hopefully you'll still look younger than everyone else! That's how I see it for me anyway, everyone in my family looks younger than they am :smile:
18 - 20yr olds look the same, 2 years is nothing.
Reply 5
Change of haircut?
Dress sense?

I don't see the problem really. When you're 50, you'll be glad people think you're not that old!

I agree.

Looking 2 years younger than you are is really not a big difference...:s-smilie:

Actually what is the difference between an 18 and 20 year old :confused:
Reply 6
Buy a classic car. The stress mine have caused me have aged me considerably.
I have rather a lot of grey hairs + im only 20. :frown:
grow a rather large beard.
Reply 8
Buy a classic car. The stress mine have caused me have aged me considerably.
I have rather a lot of grey hairs + im only 20. :frown:

:driver: Aww! ;console;
Reply 9
start smoking?
Reply 10
dont worrie! my sisters 23 and still gets ID!

my dads coming up 50 and people always guess late 30's

Its anoying but good means u can feel young for longer :biggrin:
My mate aged 20 was ID'd for a lottery ticket. Ahahaha. The fud.
start smoking?

How on earth would that help?
Reply 13
It makes you age more quickly
Well yeah, in terms of probably making you die younger :s-smilie:
I have the same problem, but am male. At least you can wear makeup/ high shoes! It is pretty annoying, becuase I am only 17 so can't go out with my friends.
Looking younger than your age is only a problem if you're underage. Once you're over 18 it's a bonus, surely...
Some tips on looking older:

Walk with pronounced arthritic pain.

Smoke a pipe.

Constantly refer to "in the war".
Reply 18
I'm 20 - but people mistake me for being 17 / 18 years old. :redface:

I hate it so much - and get really upest about it. :frown:

I'm average height - 5 ft 6 inches. Just my face looks young ( if u see what i mean ).

what can i do to look my age ?

Stamp your date of birth on your head, jesus dont be so stupid.
Why are there so many threads about looking young lately?

What is there to be so upset about? Get a frikkin ID that says your age, smile and reassure people that you are indeed X years old and get on with your life.

Some people have real problems.

You could be ugly, fat, mentally or physically disabled, or a whole array of other problems.

I know people are going to say "yeah but somenoe is always worse off than someone else", and I am usually for that too, but COME ON. You look TWO years younger than you are. Go read the news and get some perspective on your life.