The Student Room Group

Should I call him?

My boyfriend and I are having some problems and on Thursday I said I needed a week or two apart from him to get my head together. (He doesn't think the relationship is working, I think we should try, but I was the one who asked for the time apart so that when I see him I don't feel so emotional, and we can just have some fun together.)

The thing is, I miss him. I don't like not talking to him, and I feel ready to talk to him, but I did tell him I wouldn't contact him for a week or so and I don't really want to go back on that. He's a bit commitment phobic and I don't want to look needy.

Should I call/text him, or force myself to wait a bit longer? :redface:
Reply 1
Wait, definitely!
wait :smile:
Call him and tell him you love him forever and want to have kids asap. Itll work, trust.
Wait. Very much wait.
Definitely wait.
Reply 7
Have deleted his number from my phone and given half of it to one friend and half to another, so they both have to agree to it before I can call him.

How long do you think is best to wait?
i would wait a week then call him n explain tht the break showed u how much u love him n how much u missed him! hopefully the break would av made him realise the same x
Reply 9
... and if it doesnt it wasnt meant to be...