The Student Room Group
hey,does anyone know where i can get some chinese a-level past papers off the net?


im nt sure about past papers, bt i knw how to get a set of speciment paper.
Go to, and look around for specimen papers under the subjct "Chinese A level"
Sorry, I don't know about past papers, but can someone tell me which colleges offer Chinese A Level? Can be anywhere in the UK - I just want to sit the paper as an external candidate.
Reply: [email protected]
Feichang ganxie nimen!!=)
Sorry, I don't know about past papers, but can someone tell me which colleges offer Chinese A Level? Can be anywhere in the UK - I just want to sit the paper as an external candidate.
Reply: [email protected]
Feichang ganxie nimen!!=)
Not a lot of colleges offer Chinese AS/A2.

Anyway, if you're ethnically Chinese like I am and happen to have learned the language to an intermediate level, you should have no problems with the course. AS should be a walkover for most people with basics of Chinese. The problem comes when it gets to A2; most people struggle with the set texts - these are usually literary classics or humanities depending on one's personal interests.

I personally did the Edexcel Chinese and did took the school course, i.e. classes, since I did not have time to self-study it myself as I had to do a fourth A-level, Edexcel English.

You should be reasonably competent with the A-level without attending the actual course, and just sit the exams through self-study. The copy of the specification and some specimen papers are on the official Edexcel site. Consult the school's exam officer for external candidate entry. Lastly, AS/A2 Chinese is only available in June of each year.

Zhu ni kaoshi cenggong!

Yeah, I know it's rare!!=) Actually, I'm an ordinary Brit, but I did chinese at Uni recently and facny taking the A level to;
a) fill in the gaps in my CV - my A Levels were dismal!!; and
b) to make myself keep up my Chinese.

I saw the specimen paper on the Edexcel site and the AS did look a doddle, you're right. I've also done a lot of the topics and so on that the A2 covered so I think that, with a little prep, I could do that fine.

Was there an oral? Where did you take it? I need an exam centre!! I can also ask a teacher at the Uni who's done some external moderation for the A level, but any ideas would be welcome!

Thanks so much for your info so far!

Was there an oral? Where did you take it? I need an exam centre!! I can also ask a teacher at the Uni who's done some external moderation for the A level, but any ideas would be welcome!
Hi Elisabeth!

Wow, you are quite a unique person to take up Chinese, as I did not get to know any locals who learned the language.

About oral exams, there is no oral component in Edexcel A-level Chinese (unlike their GCSE syllabus, which does). It is 100% exam writing based (no coursework either).

I suppose the nearest college that offers A-levels will do, for you to enter the exam as an external candidate. (I took my exams at my high school and as a school candidate, internally.) Just ask them to enter you for 8610/9610 Edexcel A-level Chinese, and they'll give you an exam candidate number and timetable with a small fee. You can also find instructions on entering on the Edexcel site. I think asking the teacher who's also a mod at your uni would be a good idea.
Hi Elisabeth!

Wow, you are quite a unique person to take up Chinese, as I did not get to know any locals who learned the language.

About oral exams, there is no oral component in Edexcel A-level Chinese (unlike their GCSE syllabus, which does). It is 100% exam writing based (no coursework either).

I suppose the nearest college that offers A-levels will do, for you to enter the exam as an external candidate. (I took my exams at my high school and as a school candidate, internally.) Just ask them to enter you for 8610/9610 Edexcel A-level Chinese, and they'll give you an exam candidate number and timetable with a small fee. You can also find instructions on entering on the Edexcel site. I think asking the teacher who's also a mod at your uni would be a good idea.

Hmmm....I'm not that unique - there are a few hundred 'pure natives' who study Chinese at Uni in Britain!!!=)

It's normally the case that schools and colleges will only take external candidates for exams they themselves are teaching for. They don't tend to accept them for syllabuses they don't cover. So, where did you take yours??

Reply 7
Hmmm....I'm not that unique - there are a few hundred 'pure natives' who study Chinese at Uni in Britain!!!=)

It's normally the case that schools and colleges will only take external candidates for exams they themselves are teaching for. They don't tend to accept them for syllabuses they don't cover. So, where did you take yours??


My school does Chinese!!!
Shrewsbury School
My school does Chinese!!!
Shrewsbury School

Your 'location' says Hong Kong, so we are talking the Shrewsbury in the UK aren't we???=) If so, can you give me the address? I did find a college in Manchester that does it too so I've mailed htem to ask if I can be an external candidate too.=)

Reply 9
Your 'location' says Hong Kong, so we are talking the Shrewsbury in the UK aren't we???=) If so, can you give me the address? I did find a college in Manchester that does it too so I've mailed htem to ask if I can be an external candidate too.=)


Shrewsbury school

good luck...
Chinese A-level is easy
Shrewsbury school

good luck...
Chinese A-level is easy

Thanks a lot! I think it will be, certainly for me as I did it at Uni for 5 years!!! Also, the whole thing is a lower level than Euro-langauges. I guess because of the script.

Reply 11
Thanks a lot! I think it will be, certainly for me as I did it at Uni for 5 years!!! Also, the whole thing is a lower level than Euro-langauges. I guess because of the script.


When you are going to sit the exam?
When you are going to sit the exam?

Next summer all being well.=) I'll write to both places I know who offer it and see if they'll take me but schools esp. are not keen on external candidates. I'll have more chance with the college in Mancheter but, as that's nearer too....
Reply 13
Next summer all being well.=) I'll write to both places I know who offer it and see if they'll take me but schools esp. are not keen on external candidates. I'll have more chance with the college in Mancheter but, as that's nearer too....

Is that cantonese that you are taking for mandarin?
Is that cantonese that you are taking for mandarin?

Mandarin. I know a tiny bit of Cantonese, but I wouldn't even dare go for GCSE in that!=(
I am international student in Derby in Derby. I can teach Mandarin for

GCSE. If need help,please conact with me.07810285547