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WRT the astrophysics question, I doubt that would be possible for a medic in their Part II - my understanding is that it is quite a competitive part of the physics course to get on, so without having done Natsci physics (and probably Maths) IA and IB, you probably wouldn't get on it. In general you can only do the biological options of the natsci tripos - we just don't cover enough maths etc to go into a physnatsci part II. The people who do weird stuff like languages or music generally do IA.

As for assessment at clinical school, you have OSCEs and written papers at the end of 4th year (although a little earlier than usual, about April time). You then have a few end-of-placement tests in 5th year, both OSCE and written, and the BIG pathology written exams, paeds and O&G OSCEs at the end of 5th year. Then finals are both written and OSCE in June of 6th year. It sounds like a lot but actually there's quite a bit of time in between all these, you do not have to be revising all the time!
WRT the astrophysics question, I doubt that would be possible for a medic in their Part II - my understanding is that it is quite a competitive part of the physics course to get on, so without having done Natsci physics (and probably Maths) IA and IB, you probably wouldn't get on it. In general you can only do the biological options of the natsci tripos - we just don't cover enough maths etc to go into a physnatsci part II. The people who do weird stuff like languages or music generally do IA.

As for assessment at clinical school, you have OSCEs and written papers at the end of 4th year (although a little earlier than usual, about April time). You then have a few end-of-placement tests in 5th year, both OSCE and written, and the BIG pathology written exams, paeds and O&G OSCEs at the end of 5th year. Then finals are both written and OSCE in June of 6th year. It sounds like a lot but actually there's quite a bit of time in between all these, you do not have to be revising all the time!

Oh right :frown: I was kind of hoping to do something physics related as I was looking at space medicine and it sounded fairly interesting. But never mind. Thanks for your help.
Oh right :frown: I was kind of hoping to do something physics related as I was looking at space medicine and it sounded fairly interesting. But never mind. Thanks for your help.

for space medicine you'd probably be best doing an internship in one of your holidays, there was a thing about it in the student bmj a little while back.
for space medicine you'd probably be best doing an internship in one of your holidays, there was a thing about it in the student bmj a little while back.

Ah yes I've heard of that doctor, he just presented a TV show on BBC2 the other day. Sounds interesting. Thanks.
Reply 1184
Oh right :frown: I was kind of hoping to do something physics related as I was looking at space medicine and it sounded fairly interesting. But never mind. Thanks for your help.

I have no idea how she managed it, but someone in my year is currently doing their SSC at NASA.
Reply 1185
Which cambridge colleges call applicants for interview after they recieve the BMAT results?
I'm applying to Kings,does it call applicants after it recieves the bmat score.
If it doesn't around when will it notify whther I have been selected for interview or not.
Any previous cambridge applicants(Especially Kings) any advise.
Reply 1186
Which cambridge colleges call applicants for interview after they recieve the BMAT results?
I'm applying to Kings,does it call applicants after it recieves the bmat score.
If it doesn't around when will it notify whther I have been selected for interview or not.
Any previous cambridge applicants(Especially Kings) any advise.

Trinity call after BMAT, or at least they did in 2005!

There's no list anywhere, and it varies between colleges, best thing to do is to ask them (email the Admissions Office at King's) if it's important that you know when you'll be informed.
The only papers I could find were homeostasis papers in the Cambridge website. Does anyone know where I can find FAB papers etc?
They tend to keep the MCQ papers quite secret as there is only a limited bank of questions to use, and the same goes for some of the practical papers. For FAB in particular, obviously a large portion of the exam is the steeplechase so they can't have that on the internet!

Are you a fresher? If so you really, really don't need to be worrying about this yet. Your supervision essays are good preparation for the essay papers and your supervisors should go through the other bits to be examined nearer the time. Don't try to prepare for exams already when you've barely even started the course!
I'll agree with Helenia that it's way too early to start worrying about doing past papers (if you're a fresher)!

However, if you really really want to find past papers, your college library should have a number of very thick books which contain past year papers for most subjects, including the MVST1A subjects...
Reply 1190
I'll agree with Helenia that it's way too early to start worrying about doing past papers (if you're a fresher)!

However, if you really really want to find past papers, your college library should have a number of very thick books which contain past year papers for most subjects, including the MVST1A subjects...

^ I agree completely.
Which cambridge colleges call applicants for interview after they recieve the BMAT results?
I'm applying to Kings,does it call applicants after it recieves the bmat score.
If it doesn't around when will it notify whther I have been selected for interview or not.
Any previous cambridge applicants(Especially Kings) any advise.

King's normally invites to interview quite late, last couple of weeks of Novemeber would be about right for 'home' candidates.
Reply 1192
King's normally invites to interview quite late, last couple of weeks of Novemeber would be about right for 'home' candidates.

you mean the interview will be in the last couple of weeks of november??
you mean the interview will be in the last couple of weeks of november??

no I mean it will send out invitations to interviews then, the interviews are the week and a half or so from the 6th of December at the same time as the rest of the university :yep:
Reply 1194
any advise
For now? Prepare for BMAT instead.
Reply 1196
any advise

learn the difference between advise and advice.

Just read up on your syllabus for chem and bio at A-Level, possibly physics/maths as well if you're studying either/both.
Reply 1197
learn the difference between advise and advice.

Just read up on your syllabus for chem and bio at A-Level, possibly physics/maths as well if you're studying either/both.

I self studied physics in one year. Is it likely that they'll ask me more questions in physcics? Haven't touched my physcics book for ages.

Do I need to study anything beyond A Level.
And will they ask questions on A2 as well?
Reply 1198
I self studied physics in one year. Is it likely that they'll ask me more questions in physcics? Haven't touched my physcics book for ages.

Do I need to study anything beyond A Level.
And will they ask questions on A2 as well?

Well a guy at my school was asked questions on integration and differentiation because he was studying maths, so I'd say it's possible they'll ask you physics questions. I wouldn't go over the top with revising physics though, put more emphasis on chem and bio.

I think it's more likely they'll ask you topics at AS level and go into more depth with them instead of A2 topics. They like to look at topics you've sort of touched upon and then go into more detail, so I'd say reading around chem and bio AS topics isn't a bad idea.
I self studied physics in one year. Is it likely that they'll ask me more questions in physcics? Haven't touched my physcics book for ages.

Do I need to study anything beyond A Level.
And will they ask questions on A2 as well?

A lot of the questions I got at my interview were A2 chemistry/biology.