Hi, does anybody know how FM is considered when applying to medicine at Cambridge? I'm currently in year 12 and studying Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics (to be completed this year), Further Mathematics (to be completed next year) and Spanish.
When they ask for A*AA in 3 sciences/maths (which one must be chemistry) would they consider that I will have already completed a Mathematics A-Level in year 12? If I hopefully manage to obtain at least an A in A-Level Mathematics and if everything goes well concerning BMAT and interviews, and they gave an offer, does anybody know whether they would ask for a minimum of A*A In two sciences (including chem) considering that I would already have an A in Mathematics or would they ask for A*AA excluding the A-Level I have already completed?
I'm a bit confused really because if that's the case, what about if I completed A-Level Maths this year and didn't do FM next year?
Many thanks in advance