The Student Room Group
Reply 1
if its that bad go to a doctor.
Reply 2
No, surprisingly it's not common to be regularly in great pain :rolleyes:

See a doctor.
Reply 3
How about going to a doctor's? They could have a look (and feel) and do a sonography of your abdomen if it is neccessary.

There are so many possible reasons.
If you are female it could have something to do with your monthly cycle. It could be divertikulitis, since that is often located in the left lower abdomen. It could be indigestion. It could be loads of things.

What is the pain like: steady, crampy, piercing, dull?
What makes it go away?
Does anything make it worse?
I get this sometimes, it used to be worse, but I only get it occasionally, like a tightness below my left ribs, and it doesn't hurt that much anymore. If it's as bad as you say, go to a doctor.
Reply 5
Below the left ribs is a different location from lower abdomen. Lower abdomen would mean approx. around your hipbone or lower.
Reply 6
Are you a girl? I have just changed contraceptive pill type and have had a constant cramp in lower abdomen for the past week! could be period- related, possibly also indigestion, have u tried paracetemol or rennie?
NHS Direct at the very least, OP. Preferably go see the doctor tomorrow. No one on here can reliably diagnose you - well, so as not to offend any med students, no one can reliably diagnose you online. :smile:
Reply 8
I regularly get this pain on the left of my lower abdomen. It's so painful that i double over and can't walk properly. I'm not sure what it is or whether it is common, has anyone had anything similar before? It's very very painful and can last for hours. :frown:

Yeah I used to get it but it has somewhat ceased now! I started working out alot and it just seemed to go away :s-smilie: maybe something to do with fitness levels?? But all the same go to the doc as my case is probably rare or very different from your's at the very least!
Reply 9
If the OP is a girl it could be her ovary releasing an egg, I used to get this type of pain when I was ovulating and it was very painful.
I used to get that pain a lot...don't anymore though. It hurt whenever I breathed in. It definitely wasn't period cramps though as I was 10/11 so it was before I started mine.
I used to get that pain a lot...don't anymore though. It hurt whenever I breathed in. It definitely wasn't period cramps though as I was 10/11 so it was before I started mine.

That sounds more in the direction of a "blocked rib", a costo-vertebral block. It can come and go. Harmless.