The Student Room Group

I dont feel like going out with anyone, am i weird?

ok i have had boyfriends but i have always been the one doing the dumping. what happens is that i get bored very easily so at first i like them but in less than a month they start to irritate me. or i could have a crush but in a month i stop liking them. i have never gone out with someone that i REALLY like, i guess that's quite sad. after my last boyfriend who i dumped in december, i made a promise to myself that i wouldnt go out with someone until i REALLY like them.

but the thing is that most of my friends have boyfriends and its so boring sitting down listening to them go on about their love lives. so when i know someone likes me or asks me out, even though i dont like them i start to think maybe i should go out with them. god i cant even explain myself! let me put it this way, i dont like anyone right now and want to wait till i find someone but i FEEL like i should be going out with someone. what's wrong with me :frown:
Reply 1
mini moi
ok i have had boyfriends but i have always been the one doing the dumping. what happens is that i get bored very easily so at first i like them but in less than a month they start to irritate me. or i could have a crush but in a month i stop liking them. i have never gone out with someone that i REALLY like, i guess that's quite sad. after my last boyfriend who i dumped in december, i made a promise to myself that i wouldnt go out with someone until i REALLY like them.

but the thing is that most of my friends have boyfriends and its so boring sitting down listening to them go on about their love lives. so when i know someone likes me or asks me out, even though i dont like them i start to think maybe i should go out with them. god i cant even explain myself! let me put it this way, i dont like anyone right now and want to wait till i find someone but i FEEL like i should be going out with someone. what's wrong with me :frown:

emm i say you need somethink new in your life :biggrin:
i know how you feel.
last year i went out with someone just cos i thought "well why not" needless to say i finished that after two weeks going "what am i doing?"
i dont want or need a relationship right now but what with valentines day and my friends going on dates and having boyfriend issues, a part of me feels like i should have one but i know id only get bored and end it so in answer to your question no you're not at all weird.

theres nothing wrong with your own company
As the above poster says, there's nothing wrong without being with someone. It's not really a necessity in life, and, the moment you stop worrying about it, someone will probably come along.

At least, that's the theory...
Reply 4
Yep, nothing wrong with not wanting to be dating someone. It's perfectly normal.
Reply 5
Exactly how i feel at the moment too really, but cant wait to leave school an move on to differnt things (i think after 13 years of school its about time!)
Reply 6
It sounds like you're not giving anyone enough chance to actually be a good boyfriend to be honest.

I know for a fact, I remain quite reserved around girlfriends until I trust them enough to begin to open up and to be honest, it take a lot longer than a month to truely get to know someone.

It's not abnormal to not want to be with someone, I currently feel that way, but you really do have an issue with impatience. Address that before anything else.
Reply 7
Nothing wrong with you! Unless theres something wrong with me as well :smile: Ive left my last bofriend after like two weeks, i was just stupid and influenced by my friends( he is such cool, you should go out with him blablabla...)my flatmate keeps saying to me to go out with someone, when her boyfriend is away she is complaining how boring will be her evening :smile: I get a feeling that im supposed to start going out with someone to get some peace. But i dont really like anyone in that way. Just live your life :smile:
Reply 8
I was exactly like you, all these past years since I was 15. I dated lads when they ask me out, I just thought ' Hmm I'll give it a go and see what he's like'...Then BAM. I'm bored. So I give a pathetic reason and he gets all hurt and annoyed.

Last year, I didn't care less about dating and found it sooo boring and well I was enjoying myself going out with friends...then suddenly I met a lad I realllly like; he's mature and easy to talk to! he's was the perfect lad for me and I just fell for him. I was never bored and enjoyed every moment with him.

What I'm saying is you'll meet someone you reallly like when you least expect it! :biggrin: And pah.. don't worry too much about not wanting to date. Enjoy life to the most!
I cant help it but I must say this lol,

you dont have to be into dating if you dont want to, alot of girls/woman I know enjoy a independant life being single, simply invest in a good dildo.