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Starting to fancy my best boy mate!

Basically, I am a girl and I have been best friends with this boy for about a year now. He knows me better than anyone I've ever met in my whole life and I know him better than anyone else too. Recently, it seems like we've reached a sort of dead-end and the natural progression (for me) is to take things further but I don't know if he feels the same way. He often texts me to say he loves me and touches me in public etc. Help!
Reply 1
you sound like your pretty close, and from my experience, things from this point can can go one of two ways. the friendship carries on, and you start to think of eachother as more like brother and sister and so of course nothing romantic happens. or, you could as you say, take things further. if hes doing the whole i love you and touching thing then that sounds likely.

of course the "i love you"s could just be a sign of a great friendship. but equally so he could be just testing the water to guage your response.

i say go for it. VERY slowly. too quick a change could be devastating!
i was in the same situation....n he finally came out with it :smile: ...weve been together for a year now.... n wer still holding strong ..ahh i luv him soo much
ah, you're going where many have gone before, and many will continue to go.

Ask him! if you can't summon the courage to do it outright, txt/e-mail/msn, or try and get a 'hinty' conversation going (though i warn you hinty convos are notorious for giving the wrong impression to either side!)
Keep him as a best friend. I speak from experience here: I know my best friend and I will stay that way for a very long time, whereas I know that relationships will come and go.
Reply 5
Thanks for the advice. I genuinely don't want to do anything to ruin the friendship.... but I think I'm falling for him. How do I approach it with caution to see how he feels?
Reply 6
I think the best thing to do is tell him face-to-face that how you feel...just be honest and see how he responds...if you are really as close mates as you say you are, he won't mind or hate you or whatever if he doesn't feel the same, you will probably be able to laugh it of or something. You never know, he might be thinking all the exact same things as you! good luck!
Reply 7
Well if he says he loves you in txtx and toutches you a lot in public I would say he can't really give stronger signals... I wouldn't say I love someone unless I meant it!

He is probably on another forum somewhere asking for help becasue he likes his best friend and has been dropping huge hints but his friend isn't responding!

But if those are normal things for him to do and you don't think he is dropping hints then tell him, it can only get worse if you don't.
Um well if he says he loves you and feels you up, then I'd say he likes you a fair bit. Go for it I reckon.
Reply 9
There are many types of love :rolleyes:. Sounds like you have a shot, take it slow and dont come on too strong nobody likes that.
There are many types of love :rolleyes:. Sounds like you have a shot, take it slow and dont come on too strong nobody likes that.

That's what I was going to point out. My best (male) friend has told me that he loves him, and I love him too. It's not that kind of love, though, love isn't always just the feelings between a couple. You can't be sure of what he meant when he said that he loves you.
Reply 11
Yes I totally agree with there being lots of different types of love. I love my best guy mate so much and I have told him things I would never DREAM of telling anyone else; there's something about him that just gets me and makes me feel better. But it's for that very reason that I would never actually be with him in a relationship. He's a good looking guy but we know almost too much about each other to take it further if that makes any sense. Also I couldn't bear to lose him if we got together then split up.

So if you are really that close with this person I'd think carefully before you do anything about it. But on the other hand if there really is a "spark" there and you get on so well it could be the start of a great relationship. I'd just drop hints like, ask him about girls and if he fancies anyone etc.