The Student Room Group

Soundgarden vs Audioslave


Which of the two do you prefer?

There appears to be many a fan of Chris Cornell (legend). His talent is undescribable (maybe I'm going too far.) (I don't think it's too far :p:)

So I want to know which of the two people prefer, Soundgarden or Audioslave. I like both (of course), but I think I'd have to say I prefer Soundgarden to Audioslave. They have a rockier feel to them I think, whereas some of Audioslave's songs feel a little slow, as if they are lacking a bit of 'ooomph', for lak of a better word.

So what are people's thoughts?

I bet n u c l e a r b u d d h a will be first to reply

Also, did anyone see his acoustic version of Black Hole Sun (available on YouTube [sorry no link :p:])? It is pretty good. But not as good as the original. :smile:

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Reply 1
I have a feeling we've had a battle thread with these two before but I can't be bothered to look for it so I ain't complaining. :p:

Audioslave win. Soundgarden were good but did Soundgarden have the legend that is Tom Morello? No. :proud:

Of course, RATM come above them both.
Reply 2
What RATM? I think not.

I would also like to quote myself here:
Jonah Ramone
I bet n u c l e a r b u d d h a will be first to reply


So erm, yeah. Well. Nah. Soundgarden is de best innit. :p:
Reply 3

That wasn't even edited in. I fail. :p:

Audioslave will win. No trouble. Just you watch.
Reply 4
It wasn't edited. I knew it. Only cos we share a love for CC and you were here and I was here and you were here in the music forum, sharing our love of CC...:p:and each other

And they will not. Watch. This. Space.

I mean it, this very space (or that one up there) very carefully. ;yes;
Reply 5
I saw that not-so-subliminal message. :wink:

Here is a fascinating fact about Chris Cornell that you may or may not have known: he is afraid of sleeves. Proof can be found in almost any Audioslave or Soundgarden video.

Ok, ok, so he wore sleeves sometimes... :p:
Reply 6
You saw what now... :wink:

:lies: he'd never have such a silly fear :p: Ok, maybe he would :rolleyes:

Anyways, bed for me. Night nuke :hugs: :ciao:
Reply 7
Farewell. :smile: I'll be disappointed if I don't see you parading around the place tomorrow.

I will keep an eye on this thread for you. Be afraid. Be very afraid. :biggrin:
Reply 8
When I am not parading around the place :p:

Afraid of what, a girl? :ninja:
Reply 9
Don't you be bringing that in here. #zomg#

Wait... it's your own thread. You do what you like. I'll just sit here and watch Audioslave get all the votes. :proud:
One vote for soundgarden... but then another for RATM being better than both.
Audioslave and RATM suck... Soundgarden had Jesus Christ Pose.
I can't decide...
I'm going to be the person at RATM at Coachella with the "Be Yourself- Audioslave" sign. I kid you not.

Actually, I'm probably not going to Coachella because I WOULD do something that stupid.

My unlearned vote is for Soundgarden though.
Reply 14
wt audioslave is losing?

audioslave has good music AND vocals wheras soundgarden has only good vocals (cornell).
n u c l e a r b d h
I have a feeling we've had a battle thread with these two before but I can't be bothered to look for it so I ain't complaining. :p:

Audioslave win. Soundgarden were good but did Soundgarden have the legend that is Tom Morello? No. :proud:

Of course, RATM come above them both.

The thread you're referring to was mine :p: and it was Audioslave VS RATM, and apparently only I like Audioslave more, which is fine, so as good as Black Hole Sun is, Audioslave get's my vote, got some immense songs.
Even stevens at four apeice.

I disagree that Soundgarden only have good lyrics though. I think the music is top as well.
Reply 17
I don't particularly like either, but I marginally prefer Audioslave.
Reply 18
I'd honestly expected Audioslave to win this hands down. They're only one vote ahead. Insane.

Yeah, I must've been thinking about your threads, Decent_Jam.
Hands down? But their music isn't better. Maybe that's because I prefer the slightly 'grungier' style of Soundgarden, but I honestly think Soundgarden have made many a better track.